* Notification:
* New: Added track disc number notification parameter.
* Change: Default Telegram messages to MarkdownV2 when HTML is disabled. (1635)
* Exporter:
* Fix: Images not being included in export zip file download.
* UI:
* Fix: Favicon missing from the newsletter authentication page.
* Fix: IPv6 details not being shown in IP address modal. (1629)
* Fix: PWA not respecting device rotation settings. (1633)
* New: Added intermediary login page to the Plex XML shortcuts.
* New: Added setting to mask usernames in logs (enabled by default).
* New: Added location, secure connection, and Plex Relay details to IP address modal.
* Change: Remove Plex token from the settings page.
* Change: Increase verifying server timeout to 30 seconds.
* API:
* New: Added get_tautulli_info API command.
* New: Added location, secure, and relayed to get_history API response.
* Change: Null pms_token and jwt_token in the response of the get_settings API command. (1616)
* Other:
* Fix: Better validation of config when saving settings.
* Fix: Correct section_id and prevent rating_key collisions when updating metadata. (1640)
* Change: Proxy Plex token check and Plex downloads json through the Tautulli server.
* Change: Remove tokens from downloaded database and config files.
* Change: Do not import pms_token or jwt_secret when importing a config file.