- Books are now parsed.
- Changes to creature's max damage and abilities parsing:
- Added ``creature_max_damage`` and ``creature_ability`` tables to parse more detailed information about creature's max damage and abilities.
- Added the respective classes ``CreatureMaxDamage`` and ``CreatureAbility``.
- Removed ``max_damage`` and ``abilities`` columns from ``creature`` table.
- ``Creature`` class attributes `max_damage` and ``abilities`` were updated to new types.
- Added ``achievement_id`` column and attribute to ``achievement`` table and ``Achievement`` class respectively.
- Changes to NPC jobs and races.
- Jobs and races are now stored on a separate table as there are usually multiple entries per NPC.
- Removed ``job`` and ``job_additionals`` columns and attributes from ``npc`` table and ``Npc`` class respectively.
- Replaced ``jobs`` property on ``Npc`` model with an attribute.
- Removed ``race`` column and attribute from ``npc`` table and ``Npc`` class respectively.
- Added ``races`` attribute with the list of races of the NPC.
- Added ``job``
- Item's store information is now parsed.
- Added ``item_store_offer`` table and ``ItemStoreOffer`` class.
- Added ``store_offers`` attribute to ``Item`` class.
- Renamed ``type`` attributes and columns to more specific names to avoid conflict with Python's builtin ``type`` function.
- Renamed to ``item_type`` in ``item`` table and ``Item`` class.
- Renamed to ``creature_type`` in ``creature`` table and ``Creature`` class.
- Parsing relies more on `mwparserfromhell <https://mwparserfromhell.readthedocs.io/>`_ and less on regular expressions.
- TibiaWiki merged items into "objects" (non pickupable). So now the ``item`` table will contain a lot more records.
- More attributes related to "objects" are now added to the ``item_attribute`` table.
- Added support for attributes added in the Summer Update 2020 and some other missing attributes.