
Latest version: v6.2.1

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- Fixed bug caused when a category had a number of articles that was exactly a multiple of 50.



- ``id`` is now TibiaWiki’s article id for the element, making them more reliable than autoincremented ids.
- Fixed bug with potion’s prices.
- Fixed bug with paralysable being inverted.
- New tables ``imbuements`` and ``imbuements_materials``.
- Unknown creature attributes are no longer parsed as ``False``, but ``None``.
- New columns in creatures table:

- ``bestiary_class``
- ``bestiary_level``
- ``occurrence``
- ``armor``
- ``speed``



- New ``items_keys`` table, contains key numbers with their uses and
- New ``rashid_positions`` database, contains Rashid’s coordinates for each weekday.
- Added ``article``, ``class`` and ``type`` to ``creatures`` table.
- Added ``article``, ``class`` and ``client_id`` to ``items`` table.
- Added ``last_edit`` column to most tables.



- Improved the parsing of all data tables, resulting in more
consistency in values, less empty strings (not ``NULL``) and better
handling of default values.
- New ``database_info`` table, it contains two rows, “version” and
“generated_date”, containing the script vused and the date the
database was generated respectively.
- Added a new ``currency`` column to ``npcs_buying`` and
``npcs_selling``, it contains the id of the item used as currency for
that transaction (e.g. gold coins, gold tokens, silver tokens, etc).
- Better parsing for item npc offers, a lot more offers are saved now,
including item trades (e.g. 1 fighting spirit for 2 royal helmets).
- More item attributes are saved to ``item_attributes``.



- Better attribute parsing, this means values should me more consistent
and there are no entries without the ``name`` column
- No changes were made to the schema.



- Creatures table, with all their attributes, including a separate
table for all their loot.
- Loot drop percentage are calculated from loot statistics
- Item table, with their basic attributes, and their separate
attributes on a separate table
- NPCs table with their information, including spawn location.
- NPCs sell and buy offers
- Achievements, with their spoiler info
- Quests basic infor

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