**Library - Fix**
- [PR 572](https://github.com/twilio/twilio-python/pull/572): fix sonar analysis. Thanks to [shwetha-manvinkurke](https://github.com/shwetha-manvinkurke)!
**Library - Chore**
- [PR 571](https://github.com/twilio/twilio-python/pull/571): integrate with sonarcloud. Thanks to [shwetha-manvinkurke](https://github.com/shwetha-manvinkurke)!
- Corrected the `price`, `call_sid_to_coach`, and `uri` data types for Conference, Participant, and Recording **(breaking change)**
- Made documentation for property `time_limit` in the call api public. **(breaking change)**
- Added `domain_sid` in sip_credential_list_mapping and sip_ip_access_control_list_mapping APIs **(breaking change)**
- Added new endpoint to fetch Call Summaries
- Add brand_type field to a2p brand_registration api
- Revert brand registration api update to add brand_type field
- Add brand_type field to a2p brand_registration api
- Add `X-Rate-Limit-Limit`, `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining`, and `X-Rate-Limit-Config` as Response Headers to all TaskRouter endpoints
- Add `TemplateSid` optional parameter on Verification creation.
- Include `whatsapp` as a channel type in the verifications API.