**Library - Docs**
- [PR 542](https://github.com/twilio/twilio-python/pull/542): add path limit error for windows. Thanks to [hack3r-0m](https://github.com/hack3r-0m)!
- Add `Annotation Project` and `Annotation Task` endpoints
- Add `Primitives` endpoints
- Add `meta.total` to the search endpoint
- Mutable Conversation Unique Names
- Added `trust` to summary.
- Simplified `Channels` resource. The path is now `/BrandedChannels/branded_channel_sid/Channels` **(breaking change)**
- Changed parameters (`config` and `binding`) to use dot notation instead of JSON string (e.i. Before: `binding={"alg":"ES256", "public_key": "xxx..."}`, Now: `Binding.Alg="ES256"`, `Binding.PublicKey="xxx..."`). **(breaking change)**
- Changed parameters (`details` and `hidden_details`) to use dot notation instead of JSON string (e.i. Before: `details={"message":"Test message", "fields": "[{\"label\": \"Action 1\", \"value\":\"value 1\"}]"}`, Now: `details.Message="Test message"`, `Details.Fields=["{\"label\": \"Action 1\", \"value\":\"value 1\"}"]`). **(breaking change)**
- Removed `notify_service_sid` from `push` service configuration object. Add `Push.IncludeDate`, `Push.ApnCredentialSid` and `Push.FcmCredentialSid` service configuration parameters. **(breaking change)**