Fix corner cases with non-leading positional arguments, helptext formatting.
- Add `tyro.conf.arg()`. - Add (currently undocumented) support for `"help"` metadata in dataclass fields. This should generally not be encouraged, but improves compatibility with HuggingFace-style configs.
Fixed flag conversion bug caused by runtime annotations: python flag1: bool = False worked flag2: Annotated[bool, "something"] = False failed
PEP 604 support for Python 3.9. (fixes 19) Improve error message for subcommands with unmatched defaults. (eg `x: A | B = C()`, where `issubclass(C, A) == issubclass(C, B) == False`)
- Shift to upstream version of `shtab` for tab completion. - Support classes defined using `attrs` and `pydantic`. - Minor fixes for typing and docs. - Support `dataclasses.InitVar`.