
Latest version: v0.4.3

Safety actively analyzes 688724 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure
- `wss_repl.py` dropped `websocket_help` dependency.
- `upyutils/develop/upynotify.py` pwm bug, `upytuils/ble/ble_uart_peripheral.py` rxbuf bug.
- wss WebSocketDevices now use ROOT CA-signed certificate
(ROOT CA key/cert generated with `$ upydev kg ssl CA`)
- allow_abrev bug for `$ upydev kg ssl dev status -a` option (`--a` for python3.8+).
- fix fast get/dsync shasum animation for BleDevices.
- improve certificate info issuer/subject.
- fix dev_platform in `net scan` for esp8266
- now serial repl works with ``screen`` too (using ``repl -sc``) (in case ``picocom`` is not available)
- fix ssl error on `stream_test` in WebSocketDevices using wss.
- fix paste mode in serial repl missing to print first line output.
- fix net scan bug for esp8266
- fix dsync command help info.
- fix uconfig (config in shell-repl) help info.
- fix config `add_param` to allow custom `root_path`
- update otatool.py, ota.py to use ROOT CA certificate as CA.
- Added `ursyslogger.py` to `upyutils/develop` to enable remote logging with rsyslog as endpoint.
- Added `test_dev.py` to run parametric tests using yaml files.
- Added benchmark integration with ``pytest-benchmark``
- Added network tests with ``iperf3:uiperf3.py``
- Added multiple tests and benchmarks using yaml files.
- Added benchmarks from ``micropython/tests/perf_bench``
- `play` command to run custom tasks in ansible playbook style.
- Added example playbooks
- `uptime` and `cycles` utils/commands.
- upylog file rotation, so file log size does not go over a limit size. (2KB default)
- uptime.py and cycles.py to upyutils_dir (so it can be installed with `update_upyutils` cmd)
- `mv` command to change file names.
- `kg ssl CA` to generate a ROOT CA key/cert to be able to generate device's and host CA signed certificate.
- `kg ssl host` to generate a HOST key/cert signed by ROOT CA.
- `kg ssl dev add/export` to add or export a device certificate.
- `kg ssl CA add/export` to add or export a ROOT CA key/cert pair.
- `kg ssl dev/host/CA status` to check expiration date of certificates.
- The new CA-host-dev certificate chain of trust model allows log in to wss WebSocketDevices from multiple locations/hosts (by exporting the ROOT CA key/cert pair to a new host and add them there to generate the proper key/cert for that host).
- nwatchdog timer kwargs.
- net scan results are sorted by RSSI value.
- local path in shell-repl prompt is now aware of current git branch.


Not secure
- fix lcd ~ home user expand in shl & ssl key,cert gen for zerotier devices with custom port
- fix test_custom_cmd.py reload script on exception
- clarify extra free RAM in custom esp32 OTA SSL build
- fix file not found error in `put` command if file is indicated with absolute path
- fix `datetime` command missing
- `import os` missing with `put`, `get` commands if `-dir` indicated


Not secure
- optimized autocompletion of subcommands and options
- upydev cli startup time


Not secure
- hard reset `-hr` option for `reset` command
- added missing commands `touch`, `cd`.
- fix `-h` help for filesystem commands
- autocomplete options
- autocomplete commands with multiple options as subcommands


Not secure
- parse additional positional args in cli bug

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