
Latest version: v0.4.3

Safety actively analyzes 688735 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure
- 'bat' command output style configurable and line numbers (inspired by https://github.com/willmcgugan/rich)
- 'batstyle' command to configure 'bat' and 'batl' syntax highlight, 'batstyle -a' list all the themes available (from pygments), default is 'monokai'
- 'upy-config' command for shells, to configure network (connect to a WLAN or set an AP) and configure Interfaces (just I2C by now) through interactive dialogs
- cat, bat in SSLWebREPL if last line does not end with new line ('\\n')
- ECDSA key (SECP256R1_SHA256 method to meet IETF recommendations)
- 'git status dev' now tracks all commits (inside or outside the shell)


Not secure
- put method in SERIAL SHELL for esp32/8266


Not secure
- 'timeit' command to measure execution time of a script/command (for SSL/SERIAL SHELLS)
- 'i2c' +'config/scan' to configure i2c and scan to find i2c devices (for SSL/SERIAL SHELLS)
- 'git' commands integration + 'git push dev', 'git log dev [-a]', 'git clone_dev' and 'git status dev' to integrate git workflow into a project (for SSL/SERIAL SHELLS) ('git' needs to be available in $PATH)
- 'emacs' to edit a file/script with emacs ('emacs' need to be available in $PATH)
- Autocompletion in REPLS improved
- pyboard firmware improved (automatically enables DFU mode, jumper doesn't needed)
- Changed upydev 'sslgen_rsakey' to 'sslgen_key' key now is a ECDSA key (SECP384R1 method)
- Cipher suite is now TLSv1.2 ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-CCM8 - 128 bits which is recommended for constrained devices / IOT (This requires a recent version of python-ssl)
- put method (faster) in SERIAL SHELL


Not secure
- fw , flash (and fw update which is 'fw get' + 'flash') commands for SERIAL SHELL
- 'du' command for disk usage statistics (unix like) (SSL/SERIAL SHELLS)
- 'dsync' command to recursively sync directories for (SSL/SERIAL SHELLS)
- 'uping' and 'lping' commands for device and host pings commands (SSL/SERIAL SHELLS)
- wildcard "\*" or [dir] for 'ls' and 'lsl' command e.g. "ls \*.py" or "ls my_dir" (SSL/SERIAL SHELLS)
- install available for pyboard too (experimental) (SERIAL SHELL)
- 'pkg_info' command to see the PGK-INFO file of a module if available (SSL/SERIAL SHELLS)
- 'upipl' to list available packages at pypi.org or micropython.org/pi
e.g. 'upipl' or 'upipl [module]' (SSL/SERIAL SHELLS)
- 'update_upyutils' command for SERIAL SHELL
- fw and flash commands of upydev


Not secure
- Autocompletion on REPLS (SSL/SERIAL) for "from foo import X" will show option of what to import/autocomplete on match for frozen modules too.
- Autocompletion on REPLS (SSL/SERIAL) for "from foo import X" will show option of what to import/autocomplete on match (bug fix)


Not secure
- Autocompletion on REPLS (SSL/SERIAL) for "from foo import X" will show option of what to import/autocomplete on match
- CTRL-u deprecated (no encryption toggle), CTRL-p now shows RAM STATUS (used/free)
- CTRL-e in SHELLS (SSL/SERIAL) moves cursor to end of the line (if not in edit mode)
- 'batl' command for SHELLS(SSL/SERIAL) to print local file with python syntax highlighting

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