- Fix autocomplete on tab in REPL while `import` or `from X import` in SERIAL REPL
- Command names change:
* `filesize` --> `du`,
* `filesys_info` --> `df`
* `fw` --> `fwr`
* `d_sync` --> `dsync`
* `sync` --> `fget`
- Catching passwords too short for AP configuration
- Refactor help info organisation for easy reading.
- Refactor device management actions (configuration, groups...)
- Refactor firmware actions, `-i` option to check firmware and platform match. (from firmware file name)
- `tree` command in unix/linux like.
- drop ``mpy-cross`` dependency, better to build from source.
- Autocomplete `shr` , `ssl`, `wssl` and `ble` commands with saved devices in UPY_G global group
- `pytest` and `pytest-setup` command in SHELL-REPLS
- `pytest` and `pytest-setup` command mode in CLI.
- commands that start with `%` or not registered in SHELL-REPLS commands are forwarded to local shell (works with alias too)
- Ble SHELL-REPL `ble[device]`
- `set` command to set current device configuration of a device saved in global group
- `check` command to see device configuration (`-i` to see more info if device available)
- `dm` command to see help about DEVICE MANAGEMENT
- `gc` command to see help about GENERAL COMMANDS
- `wu` command to see help about WLAN UTILS COMMANDS
- `sd` command to see help about SD UTILS COMMANDS
- `pro` command to see help about PROTOTYPE COMMANDS
- `gg` to see global group
- `-gg` flag to set -G flag to global group (`-gg` == `-G UPY_G`)
- `-ggp` flag to set -GP flag to global group (`-ggp` == `-GP UPY_G`)
- `%` before any command e.g. `%config` display help info about that command.
- `probe` command to test if a device/group is reachable
- `scan` command to look for devices (serial [-sr], network [-nt] or ble [-bl])
- `shl` / `shell`, and `rpl` / `repl` commands works with `` or `-` and will detect device type, redirecting to the proper SHELL-REPL / REPL type.
- `put`, `get`, `install`, `fget`, `dsync`, file operations now support indicating file/files/cwd/expression as a second argument, e.g, `upydev put`, `upydev put demo_*.py`, `upydev put`, `upydev put cwd -dir lib` ...
- Alias and positional args for keygen/firmware/flash actions `upydev kg/keygen rsa/wr/ssl`, `upydev fwr get/list latest`, `upydev flash esp32-idf4-20200122-v1.12-76-gdccace6f3.bin`,`upydev flash pybv11-20200114-v1.12-63-g1c849d63a.dfu` ...
- Alias and positional args for `make_group, mg_group` actions `mkgroup/mkg, mggroup/mgg`, and `see`. e.g `upydev see MY_GROUP`, `upydev mkg MY_GROUP -devs mydevtest mypasswd`, `upydev mgg MY_GROUP -add sdev2 /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART 115200`
- Alias and positional args for SD actions `upydev sd enable/init/deinit/auto`
- upydev pypi version checking on `h`/ `help` command.
- `-gf` flag to indicate a group file operation (files are upload/download to/from a directory with the name of the device in the current working directory). It uses local group configuration file if available (unless -gg flag is indicated), otherwise it falls back to global group configuration
- `-rf` flag for `dsync` mode, to remove files or directories deleted in local dir.
- `-to [devname]` flag now can be used with `-tfkey` to transfer keys by USB/Serial
- `-d ` flag for `dsync` to sync from device to host.
- `backup` command == `dsync . -d` to make a backup of the device filesystem
- `rsync` command == `dsync [DIR] -rf -wdl` to recursively sync (deleting files too)