* Support for CMME import
* Support for conversion from mensural to CMN (with `--mensural-to-cmn`)
* Improved mensural cast-off (without `barLine`)
* Improved justification of last / single pages (brdvd)
* Improved performance by optimizing glyph lookup (brdvd)
* Improved facsimile rendering
* Connection of ledger lines to notes or accidentals with `--svg-html5`
* Refactoring of internal time alignment using fraction instead of double
* Option `--timemap` for controlling the time map from the command-line
* Option `--mensural-to-measure` renamed `--mensural-to-cmn`
* Option `--duration-equivalence` (`brevis`, `semibrevis` or `minima`) for mensural alignment
* Option `--mensural-responsive-view` for cast-off on simplified encoding