
Latest version: v4.5.1

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* Support for `<bracketSpan>`
* Support for extending line in `<f>`
* Support for `beam.with` on `<beam>`
* Support for `stem.pos` values "left" and "right" (rettinghaus)
* Support for dynamic silent staff hiding (implements `optimize` on `<scoreDef>`)
* Support for `<subst>` with child (`<add>`, `<del>` or `<subst>`) to be selected with `substXPathQuery`
* Support for `<dir>` and `<dynam>` connectors (triggered with `next` and `extender`)
* Automatic positioning of rests within beam (CCInc)
* Fix for Plaine & Easie mensur changes in mensural notation
* Use SMuFL glyphs for mensural signs (rettinghaus)
* Barline segmentation with text and dynamic indications overlapping measures
* Improved layout with text (dir, tempo, etc.) at the end of a system
* Support for dashed bar lines
* Improvement of MIDI output for mensural notation
* Support for `stem.visible` on `<note>` and `<chord>`
* Fix for Plaine & Easie chords and ties
* Fix for Plaine & Easie dots in mensural notation
* Support for MIDI playback of `<beatRpt>`
* Additional options for controlling grace notes alignment
* Support for `<instrDef>` (rettinghaus)
* Support for `mnum.visible` on `<scoreDef>` (rettinghaus)
* Implementation of `<mNum>` and generation from `measuren` if necessary (rettinghaus)
* Support for mulitple lines or `<harm>` according to `n` value
* Adjustment of `<hairpin>` length with surrounding `<dynam>` or `<hairpin>`
* Automatic vertical alignment of `<dynam>` and `<haripin>` starting / ending at the same xml:id or tstamp
* Support for `vgrp` on `<dynam>` and `<hairpin>`
* Preservation of unsupported attributes in the MEI output and in JS getElementAttr
* Support for `<ref>` elements (preserved in the SVG but with no predefined behaviour)
* Support for chords with mixed durations
* Adding Travis CI (Linux and OS X)
* Preservation of the full `<body>` subtree (`<mdiv>`, `<score>`) in the MEI output
* Allowing multiple JS instances
* Adding support for `metcon` on measure
* Adding getAvailableOptions and getOptions(bool) methods to the JS toolkit
* Adding several layout options
* Support for `<pgHead>`, `<pgHead2>`, `<pgFoot>` and `<pgFoot2>`
* Support for `<lb>` within `<rend>`, `<dir>`, `<label>` and `<labelAbbr>`
* Generation of header and footer form the MEI header when none provided
* Support for `<fig>` and `<svg>`
* Distribution as NPM package
* Adding Qt binding (yeonoson)
* Support for `<arpeg>`
* Adding mmOutput option for better PDF generation
* Support for trill extensions
* Upgrade to MEI 4.0 (in preparation)

* Method renderPage (JS) deprecated (use renderToSVG instead)
* Method renderToMidi (JS) deprecated (use renderToMIDI instead)
* Option --appXPathQueries (JS) deprecated (use appXPathQuery instead)
* Option --choiceXPathQueries (JS) deprecated (use choiceXPathQuery instead)
* Output CLI help and version to standard output
* Option -b/--border (CLI) and border (JS) deprecated
* Option -h/--height and -w/--width (CLI) deprecated
* Option --ignore-layout (CLI) and ignoreLayout deprecated (use breaks instead)
* Option --no-layout (CLI) and noLayout deprecated (use breaks instead)
* Handling `tie` on `<note>` as `<tie>` internally
* Handling `fermata` as `<fermata>` internally


* Fix for Plaine & Easie ties
* Fix for Plaine & Easie mensural incipits


* Fix for Plaine & Easie grace notes (rettinghaus)


* Improved stem direction for grace notes (back-ported)
* Improved stem direction with multiple layers (back-ported)
* Improved shared accidental rendering (back-ported)
* Fix for missing slash with grace notes (back-ported)


* Fix missing slash on grace notes


* Fix visibility attribute handling (rettinghaus)

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