* Update pugixml
* Support for SMUFL figured bass figures
* Support for `spacing` on `<staffDef>`
* Support for `sameas` on `<beam>`, `<chord>`, `<layer>`, `<note>`, `<rest>`, and `<tuplet>`
* Support for editorial markup in `<label>` and `<labelAbbr>`
* Support of ties and slurs starting or ending with timestamp (but not both)
* Support for ABC notation import (rettinghaus)
* Improved cross-staff MusicXML import (wergo)
* Improved clef changes in MusicXML import (wergo)
* Improved hairpin MusicXML import (wergo)
* Improved slur MusicXML import (wergo)
* Support for `<ending>` in MusicXML import (wergo)
* Preserve MusicXML `<duration>` on notes, rests, and chords (rettinghaus)
* Import MusicXML `<division>` with `ppq` on `<staffDef>` (rettinghaus)
* Avoid system optimisation when a tempo change occurs
* Improved tuplets and support for additional attributes
* Improved slur placement
* Option to use svg viewBox on root node (dchisolm)
* Option for adjusting MIDI tempo output (--midi-tempo-adjustment)
* Option for top/bottom margin `<harm>` (--top/bottom-margin-harm)
* Option to use first footer / header for all pages (--use-pg-footer/header-for-all)
* Embedding of Petaluma font (1.055) from Steinberg
* Option inputFormat (JS) deprecated (use input instead)