This release fixes a broken documentation link in v0.4.11, released earlier today.
Relative to v0.4.10, this release:
* Adds the `Export clip counts by classification to CSV file` and `Export clip counts by tag to CSV file` commands. These commands export clip counts for an entire archive to a CSV file. You can open the exported CSV file in your favorite spreadsheet program to look at clip count pivot tables, charts, etc.
* Adds tag support to the `Export clip metadata to CSV file` command. You can include a column in the CSV file for any tag, and specify the strings to use in the column to indicate the tagged/untagged status of a clip. See the `Basic` `Clip Table Format` preset in the [Vesper archive template]( for an example.
* Adds support for clip padding to the `Export clips to audio files` command. The new `Clip Audio File Export Settings` preset type allows specification of the time interval to be exported. The interval can be specified in terms of either total duration or left and right clip padding.
* Adds support for clip padding to the `Export clips to HDF files` command. The new `Clip HDF5 File Export Settings` preset type allows specification of the time interval to be exported. The interval can be specified in terms of either total duration or left and right clip padding.
* Adds `Tag clips` and `Untag clips` commands. These commands tag and untag sets of clips, including randomly selected subsets of specified sets. You can use these commands to mark sets of clips for review or export, for example.
* Improves detection schedule compilation efficiency.
* Adds the `Create random clips` command. This command creates a specified number of clips at random in a set of recordings. This is useful for sampling recordings, for example for review or to obtain noise clips for detector or classifier training.
* Improves the `Transfer clip classifications` command. The command no longer requires configuration information for a specific detector in order to work with its clips. This allows the command to work out of the box with all detectors, both existing and future.
* Adds a _page auto-advance_ feature to clip albums. Page auto-advance displays the pages of a clip album one after the other automatically, so you don't have to navigate from one page to the next manually. You start and stop page auto-advance and control the rate of advance via the keyboard. See the any of the `Clip Album Commands` presets in the [Vesper archive template]( for key binding examples.
* Adds a _clip auto-advance_ feature to clip albums. Clip auto-advance selects the clips of a clip album one after the other automatically, playing each clip as it is selected. The feature also navigates automatically from one clip album page to the next as needed to display the currently selected clip. You start and stop clip auto-advance and control the pause between consecutive clip playbacks via the keyboard. See the any of the `Clip Album Commands` presets in the [Vesper archive template]( for key binding examples.
* Streamlines clip album database queries, improving responsiveness.
* Includes several UI improvements. These include (finally) a favicon, thanks to RichardLitt!
* Updates Bootstrap from version 3.3.6 to version 5.1.1.
See the [Vesper documentation]( for [installation instructions](