- inputs: .csv, .tsv, .json, .hdf5, .xlsx, .zip
- outputs: .csv, .tsv
- hjkl cursor movement, t/m/b scroll to position screen cursor
- skip up/down columns by value
- row/column reordering and deleting
- resize column to fix max width of onscreen row
- filter/search by regex in column
- sort asc/desc by one column
- `g`lobal prefix supersizes many commands
- `e`dit cell contents
- convert column to int/str/float
- reload sheet with different format options
- add new column by Python expression
- `s`elect/`u`nselect rows, bulk delete with `gd`
- `F`requency table for current column with histogram
- `S`heets metasheet to manage/navigate multiple sheets,
- `C`olumns metasheet
- `O`ptions sheet to change the style or behavior
- `E`rror metasheet
- `g^P` status history sheet