Major changes
- [cmdlog] every sheet now has its own cmdlog
- change `Shift+D` to `cmdlog-sheet`, with commands from source sheets recursively
- `gShift+D` now `cmdlog-all`
- `zShift+D` `cmdlog-sheet-only`
- [dirsheet] VisiData's DirSheet is readonly; move write-mode for DirSheet to `vls` (see plugins)
- [options] `options-global` bound to `gO`and `options-sheet` to `O`
- `open-config` is now unbound (previously `gO`)
- [defermods] has been moved to an opt-in plugin
- [vdmenu] launching `vd` without a source file, opens menu of core sheets
- press `Enter` to open sheet described in current row
Major Features
- [IndexSheet] index into sub-sheets from command line (thanks aborruso for suggestion 214)
- currently works for html and hdf5 loaders
- `+:subsheet:col:row` in cli
- `subsheet` the topsheet upon load, with cursor located in cell at `row` and `col`
- `+:subsheet::` to ignore row/col
- can name toplevel source index if more than one: `+toplevel:subsheet::`
Additions and improvements
- [add-rows] now undo-able
- [aggregators] show-aggregate with quantiles (thanks wesleyac for feature request 395)
- [cli] `-P <longname>` on commandline executes command <longname> on startup
- [cmdlog] jump commands are not logged
- [config] set VisiData height/width via LINES/COLUMNS envvars (thanks halloleo for suggestion 372)
- [csv] add `csv_lineterminator` option (default: '\r\n') (thanks dbandstra for bug report 387)
- retain csv writer default DOS line endings
- [describe] add `options.describe_aggrs` (thanks unhammer for suggestion 273)
- space-separated list of statistics to calculate for numeric columns
- default to existing 'mean stdev'
- add this to .visidatarc for e.g. a harmonic mean to be added automatically to the describe sheet:
from statistics import harmonic_mean
options.describe_aggrs += ' harmonic_mean' note the leading space
- [describe] add hidden "type" col (thanks aborruso for suggestion 356)
- [dirsheet] add `open-dir-current` command to open the DirSheet for the current directory
- [help] add `help-commands-all` on `gz^H` (thanks frosencrantz for suggestion 393)
- [help] add `help-search` command (thanks paulklemm for suggestion 247)
- opens a commands sheet filtered by the input regex.
- [loaders] add --header and --skip universal handling to all sheets that inherit from `SequenceSheet` (currently tsv/csv/fixed/xlsx/xls)
- [menu] if no arguments, open VisiData Main Menu instead of DirSheet
- [plugins] update PluginsSheet to add sha256 and vdpluginsdeps
- [plugins] PluginsSheet now loads plugins in `~/.visidata/plugins/` instead of in `~/.visidatarc`
- to use this feature, add `from plugins import *` to `~/.visidatarc`
- [pyobj] for security reasons, `.py` loader moved out of VisiData core and into snippets
- Note that the PyObj loader auto-imports `.py` modules upon loading them
- [ttf] use `Enter` to plot instead of `.`
- add hello world minimal plugin
- update viewtsv example (thanks suhrig for --skip improvement suggestions 347)
- add vmailcap with `^V` to view by mimetype (thanks cwarden for suggestion)
- add basic frictionless loader (thanks aborruso for suggestion 237)
- `-f frictionless` with .json either http[s] or local file
- .zip may not work yet
- add fdir filetype; opens a DirSheet for a .txt with a list of paths
- move trackmod and defermod out of VisiData core and into module
- defermods defers saving to source until commit-sheet
- deleted rows are colored red and visible until commit
- trackmods tracks changes in source sheet until save-sheet
- deletes are removed upon delete-row(s)
- defermods and trackmods are not on by default, `import visidata.defermods` must be added to visidatarc
- plugin/loader authors: by default, all sheets that inherit from BaseSheet have .defermods=False and .trackmods set to True when defermods is imported
- create package `vsh`; add to it `vls`, `vping`, `vtop`
- `vls` contains write-mode for DirSheet
- add vmutagen for audio tags on DirSheet
- `Alt+m` to add the mutagen columns on the DirSheet
- add geocoding using API
- add `addcol-geocode` command to add lat/long columns from location/address column
- new commands in rownum plugin
- `addcol-rownum` adds column with original row ordering
- `addcol-delta` adds column with delta of current column
- vtask is now a discrete plugin
- [bindkey] move global bindkey after BaseSheet bindkey (thanks sfranky for bug report 379)
- [cmdlog] now will check for `confirm-overwrite`
- [dirsheet] commit/restat/filesize interactions (thanks Mikee-3000 for bug report 340)
- [dirsheet] pass filetype to openSource
- if filetype is not passed, options.filetype would overload file ext
- [expr] catch recursive expression columns (columns that calculate their cells using themselves) (thanks chocolateboy for bug report 350)
- [fixed] various improvements to fixed-width sheet loader (thanks frosencrantz for thorough bughunting 331)
- [http] use options.encoding when no encoding is provided by responses headers (thanks tsibley for the PR 370)
- [join] joining columns in the ColumnSheet resulted in exception (thanks frosencrantz for bug report 336)
- [load] fix replay sync bug (required wait previously)
- however, look out for `vd *` with lots of big datasets, they will now all load simultaneously
- [longname] fix getCommand() error reporting
- [mbtiles] now works again
- [metasheets] created VisiDataMetaSheet which sets system TsvSheet options
- now changes in tsv options for source files will not affect HelpSheet, CmdLog or PluginsSheet
- thanks frosencrantz for bug report 323
- [options] no error on unset if option not already set
- [path] filesize of url is 0
- [path] fix piping bug (vd failed to read stdin) (thanks ajkerrigan for bug report 354)
- [plugins] ensure consistent Python exe for plugin installs (thanks ajkerrigan for fix)
- [plugins] make plugin removal more predictable (thanks ajkerrigan for fix)
- [prev-sheet] would stack trace if more than one sheet loaded and no other sheet visited (thanks frosencrantz for bug report 342)
- [regex] will not silently fail if some example rows are not matches
- [save] convert savers to use itervalues
- itervalues(format=False) now yields OrderedDict of col -> value
- value is typed value if format=False, display string if True
- options.safety_first will convert newlines and tabs to options.tsv_safe_newline and options.tsv_safe_tab (thanks mesibov for bug report 76)
- [sheets] colorizer exceptions are now caught
- [sheets] keycols now keep order they are keyed
- [sysedit] trim all trailing newlines from external edits (thanks sfranky for bug report 378)
- [tsv] column name "length" prevented loading (thanks suhrig for bug report 344)
- [undo] redo with cmd on first row did not move cursor (thanks Mikee-3000 for bug report 339)
- now row/col context are set as strings, even when they are numeric indices
Infrastructure / API
- [add-row] create a default newRow for Sheet (thanks for-coursera for bug report 363)
- [calc] add INPROGRESS sentinel
- sentinel that looks like an exception for calcs that have not completed yet
- [extensible] add new cached_property, which caches until clear_all_caches, which clears all cached_property
- [Fanout] add Fanout
- fan out attribute changes to every element in a list; tracks undo for list
- [lazy_property] newSheet and cmdlog are now lazy_property
- this enables the overwriting and extending of them by plugins
- [loaders] add sheet.iterload()
- will use sheet.source to populate and then yield each row
- [loaders] vd.filetype(ext, ExtSheet) to register a constructor
- [loaders] add Sheet.iterrows() to yield row objects
- grouping use iterrows() for streaming input
- __iter__() yields LazyComputeRows
for row in vd.openSource('foo.csv'):
- [IndexSheet] refactor SheetsSheet parent to IndexSheet
- HtmlTablesSheet now inherits from IndexSheet
- excel index changed to standard IndexSheet model
- VisiDataSheet changed into IndexSheet
- move join-sheets to IndexSheet
- [options] add unset() to unset options (thanks khughitt for suggestion 343)
- [path] consolidate PathFd, UrlPath, and HttpPath into Path
- [SequenceSheet] refactor tsv, csv, xls(x), fixed_width to inherit from SequenceSheet
- [sheets] vd.sheetsSheet is sheetstack, vd.allSheetsSheet is sheetpile
- [sheets] rename LazyMap to LazyChainMap and LazyMapRow to LazyComputeRow
- [shortcut] BaseSheet.shortcut now property
- [status] make right status more configurable (thanks layertwo 375 and khugitt 343 for filing issues)
- BaseSheet.progressPct now returns string instead of int
- BaseSheet.rightStatus() now returns string only (not color)
- by default uses `options.disp_rstatus_fmt`, configured like `disp_status_fmt`
- progress indicator (% and gerund) moved out of rightStatus and into drawRightStatus
- [undo] use undofuncs to associate command with its undo
- [undo/redo] moved to
- [vd] add sheet properties for errors and statuses
- [vd] vd.quit() now takes `*sheets`
- [vd] rename main() to main_vd()