- [ux] add confirming modal dialog
- only "y" required to confirm
- add XDG support (thanks jck for the PR 1420)
- `options.config` default is now `"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/visidata/config.py` if `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is set and `config.py` exists. If not, falls back to the standard `$HOME/.visidatarc`.
- vendor [appdirs.py](https://github.com/ActiveState/appdirs/blob/master/appdirs.py)
- [cmdlog] support variables in .vdj (requested by jungle-boogie 1364)
- in the .vdj, write variables like so: `${variableName}`
- then on the CLI: `vd -p foo.vdj variableName=bar`
- [loaders arrow] new Apache Arrow IPC loader/saver (requested by d-miketa 1369) (requires `pyarrow`)
- add `.arrow` (file) and .arrows (streaming) formats
- add more native `parquet` loader via `pyarrow`
- preliminary "windowing" for referencing x rows before and y rows after in an expression (requested by maxigit 1399, MMesch 1129, samuelludwig 1210)
- press `w` (longname: `addcol-window`) followed by two numbers: the number of rows to aggregate *before* and *after* the current row.
- there will be a new column, `foo_window`, where each row contains a list of aggregated rows. after that, e.g. `=` `sum(foo_window)` to get a running total for each row
- add `setcol-format-enum` which takes e.g. `A=apple B=banana` and uses that as a mapping when formatting a column.
- vendor `https://github.com/saulpw/unzip-http`; allows the downloading of individual files from a .zip file over http without downloading the entire archive (requires `urllib3` package)
- add `save-source` to save a root sheet directly to its source
- add `setcol-formatter` to specify formatting function used for Column (default: `generic` formats based on type and fmtstr). Can be `json` or `python` or a custom formatter
- [cli] when `-v` or `-h` VisiData now does not read config or do anything else (requested by geekscrapy 1340)
- [cmdlog] set `.vdj` to be the default cmdlog format
- [replay] allow column names to be numbers (reported by frosencrantz 1309)
- if wishing to reference a column index, required to be an int in a .vdj cmdlog
- [cmdlog] when saving cmdlogs, type column indices as integers, and column names as strings
- If replaying, and *col* is an `int`, the CmdLog will index by position.
- If *col* is a `str` it will index by column name.
- [display] preview first n elements of a list/dict cell
- [regex] add unbound `addcol-<regex>` commands
- [rtl] improvements to right-to-left text display (requested by dotancohen 1392)
- [man] have `vd --help` open the .txt manpage by default (requested by halloleo 1332)
- [mouse] invert scroll wheel direction (requested by marcobra 1351)
- [performance] improvements to plotting of empty canvas, multiline display, and draw-ing functions
- [plugins] notify when plugin update available (thanks geekscrapy for PR 1355)
- [aggregators] fail on setting an unknown aggregator in **Columns Sheet** (reported by geekscrapy 1299)
- [aggregators] handle `delete-cell` case for aggregators column in **Columns Sheet** (reported by geekscrapy 1299)
- [aggregators] fix quartile aggregators (reported by pnfnp 1312)
- [aggregators] fix copying of aggregators when duplicating a sheet (reported by frosencrantz 1373)
- [canvas] do not use "other" label when there are exactly 9 columns being plotted (reported by tdussa 1198)
- [cli] fix `+:subsheet:col:row:` when `load_lazy` is False
- [delete-row] clear deleted rows from `selectedRows` (reported by geekscrapy 1284)
- [exec-longname] output warning, if longname does not exist
- [expr] prefer visible columns over hidden columns (reported by frosencrantz 1360)
- [freeze-sheet] carry over column attributes for freeze-sheet (reported by frosencrantz 1373)
- [import-python] use command-specific history (reported by frosencrantz 1243)
- [IndexSheet] fix renaming of sheet names from an IndexSheet (reported by aborruso 1339)
- [input] handle history for non-string input values (reported by frosencrantz 1371)
- [loaders pandas] fix (`dup-selected`) `"`of selected rows for **Pandas Sheet** (reported and fixed by jasonwrith 1315 1316)
- [loaders usv] swap delimiters (reported by frosencrantz 1383)
- [loaders usv] save delimiter override options (reported by frosencrantz 1383)
- [loaders usv] fix saving header with usv row delimiter (reported by frosencrantz 1383)
- [loaders xlsx] fix clipboard on XlsxSheets (reported by jungle-boogie 1348)
- [macros] fix macro-record keystroke setting (reported by fatherofinvention 1280)
- [mouse] stay disabled after input (reported by holderbp 1401)
- [mouse] fix for pypy3 (thanks LaPingvino for PR
- [quitguard] refinement of quit-sheet protection (reported by geekscrapy 1037, 1381)
- [save-selected] get sheet names for saving from selected rows (reported by aborruso 1339)
- [shell] strip trailing whitespace in `z;` output (reported by justin2004 1370)
- [tty] fix bug where piping async output into stdin broke visidata keyboard input (reported by ovikk13 1347)
- [undo] fix issue where undoing a reload blanks the current sheet; do not set undos for reload sheet (1302)
- [unset-option] fix issue where Exception is raised on the next undo-able command run after `unset-option` (reported by ajkerrigan 1267)
- [windows] require `windows-curses` installation on Windows (thanks ajkerrigan for PR 1407; reported by schiltz3 1268, aagha 1406)
- add Column.formatter (generic, json, python)
- add SqliteQuerySheet to globals
- `vd.loadConfigFile()` no longer needs a filename argument, and will use `options.config` by default (211)
- use `newline="` for csv.writer (thanks daviewales for PR 1368)
- make `ItemColumn` a proper class for inheritance
- add `openJoin` and `openMelt` to allow overriding by plugin sheetsS
- addColumn takes `*cols` (reported by pyglot 1414)
- deprecate old vdmenu system
- remove `Shift+V` command