- General maintenance and bug fixes
- Updated WaterTAP to be compatible with IDAES v2.0.0
- Updated and refactored property models to include pressure effects in enthalpy and have consistent indexing of variables and constraints
- Improved the parameter sweep tool to provide additional functionality
- Reorganized model diagnostic tools
- Added a new option for membrane processes - a spiral wound friction factor calculation
- Added more properties to the multicomponent aqueous solution property package - diffusivities and Laliberte correlation for densities
- Added costing for osmotically assisted reverse osmosis (OARO)
- Added a simple electrocoagulation model
- Added an example demonstration of electrodialysis desalination system with recirculation and water recovery control
- Added an example demonstration of ion exchange for calcium removal
- Added the Anaerobic Digestor Model no. 1 (ADM1), including temperature dependent expressions and a phosphorous extension
- Added translator blocks for Activated Sludge Model no. 1 (ASM1) to ADM1 and vice versa
- Added a selective oil permeation model
- Refined granular activated carbon model - improving its stability and including more details on auxiliary energy consumption and costing
- Added and refined documentation for the following: zero order models, ion exchange, mechanical vapor compression, water property package, ADM1, ASM1 and ADM1 translator blocks
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/watertap-org/watertap/compare/0.7.0...0.8.0