
Latest version: v1.2.0

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What's Changed

- Updated getting started section and tutorials to better support users
- Added an osmotically assisted reverse osmosis (OARO) model and an example demonstrating an OARO-RO system
- Refined the nanofiltration model (Donnan Steric Pore Model with Dielectric Exclusion) - updated scaling and improved model stability and solving performance
- Refined the ion exchange model - improved the initialization of the model and addressed a bug in its test
- Refined the electrodialysis model - added pressure drop and limiting current density calculations
- Refined the granular activated carbon (GAC) model for clarity and improving performance
- Renamed and modified the property package used for the nanofiltration Donnan Steric Pore Model to multi-component aqueous solution - this change reflects how it is used for more than the nanofiltration model
- Refactored and updated the WaterTAP costing package - standardized terms, separated parameters based on unit models, added utility methods and helpers, updated the costing of material and energy flows
- Added isothermal configuration arguments to relevant unit models
- Standardized and streamlined property package constraint indexing and scaling
- Addressed issues with documentation and tutorial testing

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/watertap-org/watertap/compare/0.6.0...0.7.0


- Implemented an initial graphical user interface (GUI) - application is deployed as a simple one-click install on Windows, MacOS, and Linux and includes functionality for: visualizing prebuilt flowsheets; adjusting their inputs; and saving, loading, and comparing solutions
- Created and connected flowsheets to the GUI representing the water resource recovery systems under DE-FOA0002336 portfolio
- Updated documentation for model refinements and added pages for the zero order unit models
- Updated and fixed bugs in some zero order unit models
- Added an introductory tutorial
- Added a pump model with part-load-performance and an efficiency-flow correlation
- Added an ion exchange model with costing (Cation and anion exchange demonstrations)
- Refactored membrane models to use a new base component called a membrane channel
- Refined nanofiltration DSPM-DE model and tests
- Refined the simple electrolyte property model (DSPM-DE)
- Refined and added costing for mechanical vapor compression (MVC) model
- Refined and added costing for granular activated carbon (GAC) model
- Refined and added costing for ultraviolet (UV) and UV advanced oxidation process models
- Refined electrodialysis model and added a flowsheet demonstration
- Refined ASM1 and ASM2d models and added full wastewater treatment train demonstrations for each
- Improved the WaterTAP costing package
- Enhanced the parameter sweep tool
- Updated WaterTAP to address deprecations from IDAES


- Fixed bugs and implemented maintenance improvements
- Standardized and renamed property variables across property packages
- Enhanced the costing packages
- Modified the coagulation-flocculation model and added documentation
- Added an energy recovery device based on a pelton turbine
- Added an initial 0D and 1D electrodialysis model (NaCl solution demonstration)
- Added a simple boron removal unit operation based on pH swing with documentation
- Added an example for the electrolyte database (EDB) using the Mongo cloud database
- Added costing and documentation for the crystallizer model (NaCl solution demonstration)
- Added an initial granular activated carbon model (1,2-Dichloroethane and Trichloroethylene demonstration)
- Added an initial ultraviolet advanced oxidation process model (NDMA demonstration)
- Added simple models of core wastewater treatment technologies under DE-FOA0002336 portfolio
- Added initial ASM1 and ASM2d models for representing activated sludge processes
- Refined low salt rejection cost optimization example
- Refined the nanofiltration model based on Donnan Steric Pore Model with Dielectric Exclusion by fixing a bug in the model and verifying the model performs as expected
- Fixed some errors in simple models merged in from WaterTAP3


- Updated costing to new IDAES infrastructure with significant improvements to its flexibility and usability
- Added infrastructure for supporting simple zero order models of multiple types and connecting them with a database
- Merged in data and models from NAWI's WaterTAP3 tool (https://github.com/NREL/WaterTAP3) - including ~70 zero order models with costing across a broad range of water treatment technologies
- Added several zero order models for wastewater resource recovery
- Added coagulation-flocculation model based on user input jar test data
- Added an initial mechanical vapor compression model (seawater desalination demonstration)
- Added an initial crystallization model (NaCl solution demonstration)
- Added an initial nanofiltration model based on Donnan Steric Pore Model with Dielectric Exclusion (pending validation for a use case)
- Added property packages that span liquid, vapor, and solid phases (required for mechanical vapor compression and crystallization models)
- Improved electrolyte database through bug fixes, clean up, and additional tests for maintenance
- Refined the parameter sweep tool
- Improved the "ipopt-watertap" default solver through additional options, robustness updates, and bug fixes
- Added developer tools for infeasibility diagnostics


- Updated model initialization after a bug affecting WaterTAP was fixed in IDAES 1.12.1 (287, 289)


- Updated the name from ProteusLib to WaterTAP
- Reorganized repository to prepare the merger of WaterTAP3 model and data
- Added zero-order base class models that will form the basis of most WaterTAP3 models
- Updated all chemistry tests to use new IDAES log formulations
- Updated the electrolyte database (EDB) EDB by removing out of date information, leveraging MongoDB, and allowing users to control the output and customize the reaction order
- Added tests demonstrating the precipitation in equilibrium processes including remineralization, water softening, phosphorous removal
- Added more documentation on the EDB
- Updated zero-order nanofiltration model to be compatible with the IDAES generic property package
- Added utilities to automatically use improved scaling methods (gradient based jacobian scaling)
- Partially refactored membrane models to centralize function that write common constraints

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