- Reverse osmosis, pressure exchanger, and nanofiltration unit models and seawater and NaCl solution property models
- Other relevant models for water treatment systems are located in the IDAES repository, including:
- Separator, mixer, pump, and reactor unit models
- Electrolyte nonrandom two liquid (eNRTL) property model, and IDAES generic property and reaction models
- Example flowsheets that use ProteusLib and IDAES models to demonstrate the cost optimization of water treatment trains including:
- Seawater RO desalination with energy recovery
- Low salt rejection reverse osmosis
- High pressure reverse osmosis with pretreatment and gypsum scaling prediction
- Multiple tests demonstrating the simulation of detailed equilibrium based electrolyte chemical processes including chlorination, phosphorous removal, re-carbonation, remineralization, and softening. These processes are modeled using IDAES generic property and reaction packages.
- Examples of using the electrolyte nonrandom two liquid (eNRTL) activity coefficient model for determining the pH and the saturation index of gypsum
- Tools that support parametric and stochastic sensitivity analyses