Released Mar 27, 2018
*This is intended to be the final release before the stable v4 release.*
- Add support for geth 1.8 (fixed error on :meth:`~web3.eth.Eth.getTransactionReceipt`)
- You can now call a contract method at a specific block
with the ``block_identifier`` keyword argument, see:
- In preparation for stable release, disable ``w3.eth.account`` by default,
until a third-party audit is complete & resolved.
- New API for contract deployment, which enables gas estimation, local signing, etc.
See :meth:`~web3.contract.Contract.constructor`.
- Find contract events with :ref:`contract.events.$my_event.createFilter() <contract_createFilter>`
- Support auto-complete for contract methods.
- Upgrade most dependencies to stable
- eth-abi
- eth-utils
- hexbytes
- *not included: eth-tester and eth-account*
- Switch the default EthereumTesterProvider backend from eth-testrpc to eth-tester:
- A lot of documentation improvements
- Test node integrations over a variety of providers
- geth 1.8 test suite