Released Jan 18, 2018
- New contract function call API: `my_contract.functions.my_func().call()` is preferred over the now
deprecated `my_contract.call().my_func()` API.
- A new, sophisticated gas estimation algorithm, based on the https://ethgasstation.info approach.
You must opt-in to the new approach, because it's quite slow. We recommend using the new caching middleware.
See :meth:`web3.gas_strategies.time_based.construct_time_based_gas_price_strategy`
- New caching middleware that can cache based on time, block, or indefinitely.
- Automatically retry JSON-RPC requests over HTTP, a few times.
- ConciseContract now has the address directly
- Many eth-tester fixes. :class:`web3.providers.eth_tester.main.EthereumTesterProvider` is now a
legitimate alternative to :class:`web3.providers.tester.EthereumTesterProvider`.
- ethtest-rpc removed from testing. Tests use eth-tester only, on pyethereum. Soon it will be
eth-tester with py-evm.
- Bumped several dependencies, like eth-tester
- Documentation updates