
Latest version: v6.0.0b4

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Released Jan 29, 2018

- Support for :meth:`web3.eth.Eth.getLogs` in eth-tester with py-evm
- Process transaction receipts with Event ABI, using
`Contract.events.myEvent(*args, **kwargs).processReceipt(transaction_receipt)`
see :ref:`event-log-object` for the new type.
- Add timeout parameter to :class:`web3.providers.ipc.IPCProvider`
- bugfix: make sure `idna` package is always installed
- Replace ethtestrpc with py-evm, in all tests
- Dockerfile fixup
- Test refactoring & cleanup
- Reduced warnings during tests



Released Jan 18, 2018

- New contract function call API: `my_contract.functions.my_func().call()` is preferred over the now
deprecated `my_contract.call().my_func()` API.
- A new, sophisticated gas estimation algorithm, based on the https://ethgasstation.info approach.
You must opt-in to the new approach, because it's quite slow. We recommend using the new caching middleware.
See :meth:`web3.gas_strategies.time_based.construct_time_based_gas_price_strategy`
- New caching middleware that can cache based on time, block, or indefinitely.
- Automatically retry JSON-RPC requests over HTTP, a few times.
- ConciseContract now has the address directly
- Many eth-tester fixes. :class:`web3.providers.eth_tester.main.EthereumTesterProvider` is now a
legitimate alternative to :class:`web3.providers.tester.EthereumTesterProvider`.
- ethtest-rpc removed from testing. Tests use eth-tester only, on pyethereum. Soon it will be
eth-tester with py-evm.
- Bumped several dependencies, like eth-tester
- Documentation updates



Released Dec 28, 2017

* Improvements to working with eth-tester, using :class:`~web3.providers.eth_tester.EthereumTesterProvider`:

* Bugfix the key names in event logging
* Add support for :meth:`~web3.eth.Eth.sendRawTransaction`
* :class:`~web3.providers.ipc.IPCProvider` now automatically retries on a broken connection, like when you restart your node
* New gas price engine API, laying groundwork for more advanced gas pricing strategies



Released Dec 7, 2017

* New :meth:`~web3.contract.Contract.buildTransaction` method to prepare contract transactions, offline
* New automatic provider detection, for ``w3 = Web3()`` initialization
* Set environment variable `WEB3_PROVIDER_URI` to suggest a provider for automatic detection
* New API to set providers like: ``w3.providers = [IPCProvider()]``
* Crashfix: :meth:`web3.eth.Eth.filter` when retrieving logs with the argument 'latest'
* Bump eth-tester to v0.1.0-beta.5, with bugfix for filtering by topic
* Removed GPL lib ``pylru``, now believed to be in full MIT license compliance.



Released Dec 1, 2017

* Fix encoding of ABI types: ``bytes[]`` and ``string[]``
* Windows connection error bugfix
* Bugfix message signatures that were broken ~1% of the time (zero-pad ``r`` and ``s``)
* Autoinit web3 now produces None instead of raising an exception on ``from web3.auto import w3``
* Clearer errors on formatting failure (includes field name that failed)
* Python modernization, removing Py2 compatibility cruft
* Update dependencies with changed names, now:

* ``eth-abi``
* ``eth-keyfile``
* ``eth-keys``
* ``eth-tester``
* ``eth-utils``
* Faster Travis CI builds, with cached geth binary



Released Nov 22, 2017

Bug Fixes:

* :meth:`~web3.eth.Eth.sendRawTransaction` accepts raw bytes
* :meth:`~web3.eth.Eth.contract` accepts an ENS name as contract address
* :meth:`~web3.account.Account.signTransaction` returns the expected hash (*after* signing the transaction)
* :class:`~web3.account.Account` methods can all be called statically, like: ``Account.sign(...)``
* :meth:`~web3.eth.Eth.getTransactionReceipt` returns the ``status`` field as an ``int``
* :meth:`Web3.soliditySha3` looks up ENS names if they are supplied with an "address" ABI
* If running multiple threads with the same w3 instance, ``ValueError: Recursively called ...`` is no longer raised

Plus, various python modernization code cleanups, and testing against geth 1.7.2.

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