* Python 3 is now required
* ENS names can be used anywhere that a hex address can
* Sign transactions and messages with local private keys
* New filter mechanism: :meth:`~web3.utils.filters.Filter.get_all_entries` and :meth:`~web3.utils.filters.Filter.get_new_entries`
* Quick automatic initialization with ``from web3.auto import w3``
* All addresses must be supplied with an EIP-55 checksum
* All addresses are returned with a checksum
* Renamed ``Web3.toDecimal()`` to ``toInt()``, see: :ref:`overview_type_conversions`
* All filter calls are synchronous, gevent integration dropped
* Contract :meth:`~web3.contract.Contract.eventFilter` has replaced both ``Contract.on()`` and ``Contract.pastEvents()``
* Contract arguments of ``bytes`` ABI type now accept hex strings.
* Contract arguments of ``string`` ABI type now accept python ``str``.
* Contract return values of ``string`` ABI type now return python ``str``.
* Many methods now return a ``bytes``-like object where they used to return a hex string, like in :meth:`Web3.sha3()`
* IPC connection left open and reused, rather than opened and closed on each call
* A number of deprecated methods from v3 were removed