Released on July 31, 2020.
- Marked the package as supporting type checking by following :pep:`561`.
- Now non-existent entities became able to be handled. [:pr:`11`]
- Added :class:`~wikidata.entity.EntityState` enum class.
- Added :attr:`Entity.state <wikidata.entity.Entity.state>` attribute.
- Fixed a bug that raised :exc:`~urllib.error.HTTPError` when
non-existent :class:`~wikidata.entity.Entity` was requested.
- Languages (locales) became no more represented as :class:`babel.core.Locale`,
but represented :class:`wikidata.multilingual.Locale` instead.
[:issue:`2`, :issue:`27`, :pr:`30` by Nelson Liu]
- Removed Babel_ from the dependencies.
- Added :class:`wikidata.multilingual.Locale` type.
To replace the :class:`babel.core.Locale` type,
the :class:`wikidata.multilingual.Locale` type has been
aliased to `str`. This is a *breaking change* for all Wikidata public API
functions that formerly returned or ingested :class:`babel.core.Locale` .
- Added support for ``time`` datatypes with precision 9 (year-only).
[:pr:`26` by Nelson Liu]
- Added support for globe coordinate datatype. [:pr:`28` by Nelson Liu]
- Added support for decoding the ``globe-coordinate`` datatype.
- Added :mod:`wikidata.globecoordinate` module.
- Added support for quantity datatype. [:pr:`29` by Nelson Liu]
- Added support for decoding the ``quantity`` datatype.
- Added :mod:`wikidata.quantity` module. [:pr:`29`]
- Fixed :exc:`KeyError` from :meth:`Entity.getlist()
<wikidata.entity.Entity.getlist>` if the property is explicitly associated
with "no value". [:issue:`18`]
- Fixed a bug that raised :exc:`KeyError` when accessing an image more than
once and :class:`~wikidata.cache.MemoryCachePolicy` was enabled.
[:pr:`24` by Héctor Cordobés]