Released on June 30, 2017.
- Fixed :exc:`ValueError` from :attr:`Entity.label
<wikidata.entity.Entity.description>` with languages `ISO 639-1`_
doesn't cover (e.g. ``cbk-zam``). [:issue:`2`]
Although this fix prevents these properties from raising :exc:`ValueError`,
it doesn't completely fix the problem. :class:`babel.core.Locale` type,
which Wikidata depends on, currently doesn't supprot languages other
than `ISO 639-1`_. In order to completely fix the problem, we need to
patch Babel_ to support them, or make Wikidata independent from Babel_.
.. _ISO 639-1: https://www.iso.org/standard/22109.html
.. _Babel: http://babel.pocoo.org/