Released on February 23, 2017.
- Now :class:`~wikidata.client.Client` became able to customize how it decodes
datavalues to Python objects.
- Added :mod:`wikidata.datavalue` module and
:class:`~wikidata.datavalue.Decoder` class inside it.
- Added :attr:`~.wikidata.client.Client.datavalue_decoder` option to
- Now files on Wikimeda Commons became able to be handled.
- New decoder became able to parse Wikimedia Commons files e.g. images.
- Added :mod:`wikidata.commonsmedia` module and
:class:`~wikidata.commonsmedia.File` class inside it.
- The meaning of :class:`~wikidata.client.Client` constructor's ``base_url``
prameter beccame not to contain the trailing path ``wiki/`` from
``https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/``. As its meaning changed, the value of
:const:`~wikidata.client.WIKIDATA_BASE_URL` constant also changed to not
have the trailing path.
- Added ``load`` option to :meth:`Client.get() <wikidata.client.Client.get>`