------- - Improve the performance of ``get_bolds_and_italics(recursive=True, filter_cls=None)``. - Fix a bug in ``get_bolds_and_italics(recursive=False, filter_cls=None)`` which was causing it to return recursive Bold items.
Not secure
------- - Remove the deprecated parameters of ``Template.normal_name()``. - Fix a bug in ``get_bolds_and_italics()`` which was causing it to return only ``Bold`` items.
Not secure
------- - Fix a bug in handling of comments in template names. (54)
Not secure
------- - Improve the handling of weird ``colspan`` and ``rowspan`` values in tables. (53)
Not secure
------- - Fix a syntax error in Python 3.5.
Not secure
------- - BREAKING CHANGE: Remove ``replace_bolds``/``replace_italics`` params from ``remove_markup``/``plain_text`` methods. Users can use the new ``replace_bolds_and_italics`` parameter. Removing only bolds or only italics is no longer possible. - Add ``get_bolds_and_italics`` as a new method. - Fixed bugs and rewrote the algorithm for finding ``Bold`` and ``Italic`` objects. (51)