------- - Detect unclosed comments, e.g. ``<!== a``. - Fix parsing priority of tag extensions and comments. For example the comment in ``<ref>b<!--c</ref>d-->`` used to be parsed as with ``<!--c</ref>d-->`` as comment which was incorrect.
------- - Fixed a catastrophic backtracking issue in parsing nested extension tags. (60) - Fixed a bug in ``Bold.text`` and ``Italic.text``, failing to parse objects containing ``\n``. (61)
Not secure
------- - Fixed a bug in parsing tags containing the ``<`` character. (58) - Updated the list of known extension tags. - Improved detection of nested tag extensions, e.g. a ``<ref>`` tag within ``<references>``.
Not secure
------- - Fixed a bug in ``get_bolds_and_italics`` causing it to return duplicate items in some situations. This was also causing an error in ``plain_text`` method. (57)
Not secure
------- - Fixed bug in matching header cells in ``Table.cells``. (53) - Add ``Cell.is_header`` property.
Not secure
------- - Fixed a bug in detection of ``Table.caption`` and ``Table.caption_attrs``.