- Add ``wikitextparser.remove_markup`` function and ``WikiText.plain_text`` method.
- Improve detection of parameters and wikilinks.
- Add ``get_bolds`` and ``get_italics`` methods.
- ``WikiLink.wikilinks``, ``WikiList.get_lists()``, ``Template.templates``, ``Tag.get_tags()``, ``ParserFunction.parser_functions``, and ``Parameter.parameters`` won't return objects equal to ``self`` anymore, only sub-elements will be returned.
- Improve handling of comments within wikilinks.
- ``WikiLink.text.setter`` no longer accepts None values. This was marked as deprecated since v0.25.0.
- Drop support for Python 3.4.
- Remove the deprecated ``pprint`` method. Users should use ``pformat`` instead.
- Allow a tuple of patterns in ``get_list`` and ``sublists`` method. The default ``None`` is now deprecated and a tuple is used instead.