This release was focused on adding `python3.8` support,
removing dependencies that can be removed, and fixing bugs.
There are breaking changes ahead!
We also have this [nice migration guide](
- **Breaking**: removes `flake8-executable`, now using `WPS452` instead of `EXE001..EXE005`
- **Breaking**: removes `flake8-print`, now using `WPS421` instead of `T001`
- **Breaking**: removes `flake8-builtins`, now using `WPS125` instead of `A001..A005`
- **Breaking**: removes `flake8-annotations-complexity`,
now using `WPS234` instead of `TAE002`
- **Breaking**: removes `flake8-pep3101`, now using `WPS323` instead of `S001`,
we also use a new logic for this violation:
we check string defs for `%` patterns, and not for `%` operator
- **Breaking**: `WPS441` is no longer triggered for `except` blocks,
it is now handled by `F821` from `flake8`
- **Breaking**: removes `radon`,
because `cognitive-complexity` and `mccabe` is enough
- **Breaking**: removes `flake8-logging-format` as a direct dependency
- **Breaking**: removes `ImplicitTernaryViolation` or `WPS332`,
because it has too many false positives 1099
- Removes `flake8-coding`, all encoding strings, visitor and tests
for old `WPS323` which is now reused for modulo formatting checks
- Adds `python3.8` support
- Changes `styleguide.toml` and `flake8.toml` scripts definition
- Extracts new violation - `WPS450` from `WPS436` 1118
- Adds domain names options:
`--allowed-domain-names` and `--forbidden-domain-names`,
that are used to create variable names' blacklist 1106
- Forbids to use `\r` (carriage return) as line breaks in strings 1111
- Forbids to use `:=` operator, it now reuses `WPS332` code
- Forbids to use positional only `/` arguments
- Forbids to have too many names imported from a single `from ... import`
- Forbids to use `continue` and `break` in `finally`
- Forbids to use `__reduce__` and `__reduce_ex__` magic methods
- Adds `__call__` to list of methods that should be on top 1125
- Allows `_` to be now used as a defined variable
- Removes `cognitive_complexity` dependency, now it is built in into our linter
- Adds baseline information for all complexity violation messages: `x > baseline`
- Changes how cognitive complexity is calculated
- Adds support for positional arguments in different checks
- Adds `UnreadableNameViolation` as `WPS124` because there are some
character combination which is not easy to read
- Adds support for `NamedExpr` with in compare type violation
- Forbids `float` and `complex` compares
- Fixes how `i_control_code` behaves with `WPS113`
- Fixes that cognitive complexity was ignoring
`ast.Continue`, `ast.Break`, and `ast.Raise` statements
- Fixes that cognitive complexity was ignoring `ast.AsyncFor` loops
- Fixes that annotation complexity was not reported for `async` functions
- Fixes that annotation complexity was not reported for lists
- Fixes that annotation complexity was not reported for `*` and `/` args
- Fixes that annotation complexity was not tested for dot notation attributes
- Fixes that annotation complexity fails on string expressions
- Fixes bug when `TooManyPublicAttributesViolation`
was counting duplicate fields
- Fixes negated conditions `WPS504` was not reported for `if` expressions
- Fixes that `import dumps` was reported as `WPS347`,
now only `from ... import dumps` is checked
- Fixes that `from some import a as std` was reported as a vague import
with `WPS347` despite having a meaningful alias
- Fixes that `WPS501` was reported for `contextmanager` definition
- Fixes `WPS226` to be thrown at nested string type annotations
- Fixes `WPS204` reported simplest nodes as overused like `[]` and `call()`
- Fixes `WPS204` not reporting overused `f` strings
- Fixes `WPS204` reporting overused return type annotations
- Fixes `WPS204` reporting `self.` attribute access
- Fixes `WPS331` reporting cases that do require some extra steps before return
- Fixes `WPS612` not reporting `super()` calls without return
- Fixes `WPS404` not raising on wrong `*` and `/` defaults
- Fixes `WPS425` raising on `.get`, `getattr`, `setattr`,
and other builtin functions without keyword arguments
- Fixes `WPS221` reporting differently on different `python` versions
- Fixes `WPS221` reporting nested variable annotations
- Fixes `WPS509` not reporting nested ternary in grandchildren of `if`
- Fixes `WPS509` not reporting nested ternary in ternary
- Fixes `WPS426` not reporting nested `lambda` in comprehensions
- Fixes several violations to reporting for `ast.Bytes` and `ast.FormattedStr`
where `ast.Str` was checked
- Fixes `WPS601` reporting shadowing for non-`self` attributes
- Fixes `WPS114` not to be so strict
- Fixes `WPS122` not raising for `for` and `async for` definitions
- Fixes `WPS400` raising for ` type: ignore[override]` comments
- Fixes `WPS115` not raising for attributes inside other nodes
- Changes how tests are executed
- Changes how coverage is calculated, adds `coverage-conditional-plugin`
- Adds how a violation can be deprecated
- Improves old visitor tests with `/` argument cases
- Improves old visitor tests with `:=` cases
- Adds `local-partial-types` to mypy config
- Uses `abc` stdlib's module to mark abstract base classes 1122
- Adds `python3.8` to the CI
- Updates a lot of dependencies