
Latest version: v0.16.1

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- Tweaks `nitpick` configuration


- Changes `radon` and `pydocstyle` versions for better resolution
- Fixes `nitpick` urls


- Improves `README.md` with `flakehell` and `nitpick` mentions
- Improves docs all across the project


In this release we had a little focus on:

0. Primitives and constants and how to use them
1. Strings and numbers and how to write them
1. OOP features
1. Blocks and code structure,
including variable scoping and overlapping variables
1. Overused expressions and new complexity metrics


- **Breaking**: moves `ImplicitInConditionViolation` from `WPS336` to `WPS514`
- **Breaking**: now `ExplicitStringConcatViolation` uses `WPS336`
- **Breaking**: moves `YieldMagicMethodViolation` from `WPS435` to `WPS611`
- Adds `xenon` as a dependency, it also checks for cyclomatic complexity,
but uses more advanced algorithm with better results
- Forbids to have modules with too many imported names
configured by `--max-imported-names` option which is 50 by default
- Forbids to raise `StopIteration` inside generators
- Forbids to have incorrect method order inside classes
- Forbids to make some magic methods async
- Forbids to use meaningless zeros in float, binary, octal, hex,
and expanentional numbers
- Enforces to use `1e10` instead of `1e+10`
- Enforces to use big letters for hex numbers: `0xAB` instead of `0xab`
- Enforces to use `r'\n'` instead of `'\\n'`
- Forbids to have unicode escape characters inside binary strings
- Forbids to use `else if` instead of `elif`
- Forbids to have too long `try` bodies,
basically `try` bodies with more than one statement
- Forbids to overlap local and block variables
- Forbids to use block variables after the block definitions
- Changes how `WrongSlotsViolation` works, now `(...) + value` is restricted
in favor of `(..., *value)`
- Forbids to have explicit unhashable types in sets and dicts
- Forbids to define useless overwritten methods
- Enforces `j` prefix over `J` for `complex` numbers
- Forbids overused expressions
- Forbids explicit `0` division, multiply, pow, addition, and subtraction
- Fordids to pow, multiply, or divide by `1`
- Forbids to use expressions like `x + -2`, or `y - -1`, or `z -= -1`
- Forbids to multiply lists like `[0] * 2`
- Forbids to use variable names like `__` and `_____`
- Forbids to define unused variables explicitly: `_unused = 2`
- Forbids to shadow outer scope variables with local ones
- Forbids to have too many `assert` statements in a function
- Forbids to have explicit string contact: `'a' + some_data`, use `.format()`
- Now `YieldInsideInitViolation` is named `YieldMagicMethodViolation`
and it also checks different magic methods in a class
- Forbids to use `assert False` and other false-constants
- Forbids to use `while False:` and other false-constants
- Forbids to use `open()` outside of `with`
- Forbids to use `type()` for compares
- Forbids to have consecutive expressions with too deep access level
- Forbids to have too many public instance attributes
- Forbids to use pointless star operations: `print(*[])`
- Forbids to use `range(len(some))`, use `enumerate(some)` instead
- Forbids to use implicit `sum()` calls and replace them with loops
- Forbids to compare with the falsy constants like `if some == []:`


- Bumps `flake8-eradicate` version
and solves `attrs` incompatible versions issue
- Bumps `flake8-dosctrings` version
and solved `pydocstyle` issue
- Fixes `TryExceptMultipleReturnPathViolation` not tracking `else` and `finally`
returns at the same time
- Fixes how `TryExceptMultipleReturnPathViolation` works:
now handles `break` and `raise` statements as well
- Fixes `WrongLoopIterTypeViolation` not triggering
for generator expressions and empty tuples
- Fixes `WrongLoopIterTypeViolation` not triggering
for numbers (including negative), booleans, `None`
- Fixes `WrongLoopIterTypeViolation` position
- Fixes `WrongLoopIterTypeViolation` not triggering for compehensions
- Fixes `WrongSlotsViolation` not triggering
for comprehensions and incorrect `__slots__` names and types
- Fixes `WrongSlotsViolation` not triggering
for invalid `python` identifiers like `__slots__ = ('123_slot',)`
- Fixes `WrongSlotsViolation` triggering for subscripts
- Fixes `NestedClassViolation` and `NestedFunctionViolation` not reporting
when placed deeply inside other nodes
- Fixes when `WrongUnpackingViolation` was not raised
for `async for` and `async with` nodes
- Fixes when `WrongUnpackingViolation` was not raised for comprehensions
- Fixes that `x, y, z = x, z, y` was not recognized
as `ReassigningVariableToItselfViolation`
- Fixes that `{1, True, 1.0}` was not recognised as a set with duplicates
- Fixes that `{(1, 2), (1, 2)}` was not recognised as a set with duplicates
- Fixes that `{*(1, 2), *(1, 2)}` was not recognised as a set with duplicates
- Fixes that `{1: 1, True: 1}` was not recognised as a dict with duplicates
- Fixes that `complex` numbers were always treated like magic,
now `1j` is allowed
- Fixes that `0.0` was treated as a magic number
- Fixes that it was possible to use `_` in module body
- Fixes `WrongBaseClassViolation` not triggering
for nested nodes like `class Test(call().length):`
- Fixes `ComplexDefaultValueViolation` not triggering
for nested nodes like `def func(arg=call().attr)`
- Fixes `TooShortNameViolation` was not triggering for `_x` and `x_`
- Fixes that some magic method were allowed to be generators
- Fixes that some magic method were allowed to contain `yield from`
- Fixes bug when some correct `noqa:` comments were reported as incorrect
- Fixes bug when some `else: return` were not reported as incorrect
- Fixes bug when `WPS507` sometimes were raising `ValueError`
- Fixes bug when `return None` was not recognized as inconsistent


- Adds `styles/` directory with style presets for tools we use and recommend
- Adds `bellybutton` to the list of other linters
- Documents how to use `nitpick` to sync the configuration
- Documents how to use `flakehell` to create `baseline`s for legacy integrations
- Improves tests for binary, octal, hex, and exponentional numbers
- Adds new `xenon` CI check
- Now handles exceptions in our own code, hope to never see them!
- Now uses `coverage` checks in deepsource
- Now `alias` checks that all aliases are valid
- Changes how presets are defined
- Improves how `DirectMagicAttributeAccessViolation` is tested
- Refactors a lot of tests to tests `ast.Starred`
- Refactors a lot of tests to have less tests with the same logical coverage
- We now use `import-linter` instead of `layer-linter`
- Adds docs about CI integration
- Now wheels are not universal
- Updates docs about `snake_case` in `Enum` fields
- Updates docs about `WPS400` and incorrect line number



- Now using `pygments` as a direct dependency


We had a really big problem: all violations inside `best_practices`
was messed up together with no clear structure.

We had to fix it before it is too late.
So, we broke existing error codes.
And now we can promise not to do it ever again.

We also have this [nice migration guide](https://wemake-python-stylegui.de/en/latest/pages/changelog/migration_to_0_11.html)
for you to rename your violations with a script.


- **Breaking**: replaces `Z` error code to `WPS` code
- **Breaking**: creates new violation group `refactoring.py`
- **Breaking**: creates new violation group `oop.py`
- **Breaking**: moving a lot of violations
from `best_practices` to `refactoring`, `oop`, and `consistency`
- Adds new `wemake` formatter (using it now by default)


- Fixes error message of `OverusedStringViolation` for empty strings
- Now does not count string annotations as strings for `OverusedStringViolation`
- Fixes `InconsistentReturnVariableViolation` was raised twice


- Adds migration guide to `0.11`
- Improves legacy guide
- Adds `--show-source` to the default recommended configuration
- Adds better docs about auto-formatters
- Adds `autopep8` to CI to make sure that `wps` is compatible with it
- Ensures that `--diff` mode works for `flake8`
- Renames `Incorrect` to `Wrong` where possible
- Renames `IncorrectlyNestedTernaryViolation` to `NestedTernaryViolation`
- Renames `IncorectLoopIterTypeViolation` to `WrongLoopIterTypeViolation`


This release is mostly targeted at writing better compares and conditions.
We introduce a lot of new rules related to this topic improving:
consistency, complexity, and general feel from your code.

In this release we have ported a lot of existing `pylint` rules,
big kudos to the developers of this wonderful tool.


- Adds `flake8-executable` as a dependency
- Adds `flake8-rst-docstrings` as a dependency
- Validates options that are passed with `flake8`
- Forbids to use module level mutable constants
- Forbids to over-use strings
- Forbids to use `breakpoint` function
- Limits yield tuple lengths
- Forbids to have too many `await` statements
- Forbids to subclass lowercase `builtins`
- Forbids to have useless `lambda`s
- Forbids to use `len(sized) > 0` and `if len(sized)` style checks
- Forbids to use repeatable conditions: `flag or flag`
- Forbids to write conditions like `not some > 1`
- Forbids to use heterogeneous compares like `x == x > 0`
- Forbids to use complex compare with several items (`>= 3`)
- Forbids to have class variables that are shadowed by instance variables
- Forbids to use ternary expressions inside `if` conditions
- Forces to use ternary instead of `... and ... or ...` expression
- Forces to use `c < b < a` instead of `a > b and b > c`
- Forces to use `c < b < a` instead of `a > b > c`
- Forbids to use explicit `in []` and `in ()`, use sets or variables instead
- Forces to write `isinstance(some, (A, B))`
instead of `isinstance(some, A) or isinstance(some, B)`
- Forbids to use `isinstance(some (A,))`
- Forces to merge `a == b or a == c` into `a in {b, c}` and
to merge `a != b and a != c` into `a not in {b, c}`


- Fixes incorrect line number for `Z331`
- Fixes that `Z311` was not raising for multiple `not in` cases
- Fixes a bunch of bugs for rules working with `Assign` and not `AnnAssign`
- Fixes that `continue` was not triggering `UselessReturningElseViolation`


- Renames `logics/` to `logic/` since it is grammatically correct
- Renames `Redundant` to `Useless`
- Renames `Comparison` to `Compare`
- Renames `WrongConditionalViolation` to `ConstantConditionViolation`
- Renames `ComplexDefaultValuesViolation` to `ComplexDefaultValueViolation`
- Refactors `UselessOperatorsVisitor`
- Adds `compat/` package, getting ready for `python3.8`
- Adds `Makefile`
- A lot of minor dependency updates



- Fixes issue with `pydocstyle>=4` by glueing its version to `pydocstyle<4`

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