
Latest version: v0.16.1

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- Fixes a [crash](https://github.com/wemake-services/wemake-python-styleguide/issues/423) with class attributes assignment



- Fixes a conflict between our plugin and `pyflakes`



- Adds `flake8-per-file-ignore` plugin dependency
- Adds default values to the `flake8 --help` output
- Adds `do` as a restricted variable name
- Forbids multiple assignment targets for context managers
- Forbids to use incorrect multi-line parameters
- Forbids to use `bool` values as positional arguments
- Forbids to use extra indentation
- Forbids to use inconsistent brackets
- Forbids to use multi-line function type annotations
- Forbids to use uppercase string modifiers
- Forbids to use assign chains: now we only can use one assign per line
- Forbids to use assign with unpacking for any nodes except `Name`
- Forbids to have duplicate `except` blocks


- Fixes tests failing on windows (sobolevn hates windows!),
but it still fails sometimes
- Fixes bug when `staticmethod` was treated as a module member
- Fixes bug when some nodes were not checked with `TooDeepNestingViolation`
- Fixes bug when it was possible to provide non-unique aliases
- Fixes incorrect line number for incorrect parameter names
- Fixes bug when names like `__some__value__` were not treated as underscored
- Fixes bug when assignment to anything rather than name was raising an error


- Refactoring: now we fix `async` nodes offset in a special transformation
- Improves docs: specifies what `transformation` is
- Improves docs: making contributing section in the `README` more friendly
- Improves build: changes how CI installs `poetry`



- Fixes all possible errors that happen
because of unset `parent` and `function_type` properties



- **Breaking**: removes `--max-conditions` and `--max-elifs` options
- **Breaking**: removes `--max-offset-blocks`
- **Breaking**: changes default `TooManyConditionsViolation` threshold from `3` to `4`
- **Breaking**: changes `TooManyBaseClassesViolation` code from `225` to `215`
- Forbids to use `lambda` inside loops
- Forbids to use `self`, `cls`, and `mcs` except for first arguments only
- Forbids to use too many decorators
- Forbids to have unreachable code
- Forbids to have statements that have no effect
- Forbids to have too long names for modules and variables
- Forbids to have names with unicode for modules and variables
- Add `variable` to the blacklisted names
- Now `RedundantLoopElseViolation` also checks `while` loops


- Fixes `TooManyConditionsViolation` to work with any conditions, not just `if`s
- Fixes `TooManyConditionsViolation` that did not count conditions correctly
- Fixes `TooManyForsInComprehensionViolation` to find all comprehension types
- Fixes `TooManyElifsViolation` to check module level conditions
- Fixes `TooManyBaseClassesViolation` docs location
- Fixes `WrongVariableNameViolation` not checking `lambda` argument names
- Fixes `OffsetVisitor` incorrect `await` handling


- Refactoring: moves all complexity checks into `complexity/` folder
- Refactoring: improves how different keyword visitors are coupled
- Improves docs: we have removed magic comments and code duplication
- Improves docs: now `_pages/` is named just `pages/`
- Improves docs: now all violations are sorted correctly
- Improves tests: now testing different keywords separately
- Improves tests: now all violations must be contained in `test_noqa.py`
- Improves tests: now we also run `compile()` on all `ast` examples
- Improves tests: now we are sure about correct order of violations


Development was focused around better test coverage and providing a better API
for tests. We also now covering more cases and testing violation texts.


- **Breaking**: removes duplicating module name rules, now we use the same rules
for both variables and modules
- **Breaking**: removes `--min-module-name-length` options
- **Breaking**: renames `--min-variable-name-length` into `--min-name-length`
- Dependencies: updates `flake8` version to `3.6`
- Dependencies: removes `pycodestyle` pinned version
- Restrict unicode names


- Multiple fixes to error text formats to be more readable
- Fixes `UNDERSCORED_NUMBER_PATTERN` to match names like `come_22_me`
- Fixes `UpperCaseAttributeViolation` not being displayed in the docs
- Fixes consistency checks being duplicated in the docs
- Fixes `UnderscoredNumberNameViolation` showing incorrect line number
- Fixes `ProtectedAttributeViolation` to respect `super()` and `mcs`
- Fixes `ProtectedAttributeViolation` to show correct text
- Fixes `BadNumberSuffixViolation` to show correct text
- Fixes `TooManyBaseClassesViolation` to show correct text
- Fixes `TooManyElifsViolation` to show correct text
- Fixes `TooDeepNestingViolation` to show correct text
- Fixes `TooManyMethodsViolation` to show correct text
- Fixes `ReassigningVariableToItselfViolation` to show correct text
- Renames `UnderscoredNumberNameViolation` to `UnderscoredNumberNameViolation`


- Refactoring: removed duplicate logic inside `logics/filenames.py`
- Improves tests: now testing almost all violations inside `noqa.py`
- Improves tests: now testing violations text
- Improves tests: now all common patters live in related `conftest.py`
- Improves docs: now all configuration options are listed in the violations

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