
Latest version: v0.11.0

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Contributors to this version: Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`) and Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`).

New features and enhancements
* New functions ``diagnostics.properties_and_measures``, ``diagnostics.measures_heatmap`` and ``diagnostics.measures_improvement``. (:issue:`5`, :pull:`54`).
* Add argument `resample_methods` to `xs.extract.resample`. (:issue:`57`, :pull:`57`)
* Added a ReadTheDocs configuration to expose public documentation. (:issue:`65`, :pull:`66`).
* ``xs.utils.stack_drop_nans``/ ``xs.utils.unstack_fill_nan`` will now format the `to_file`/`coords` string to add the domain and the shape. (:issue:`59`, :pull:`67`).
* New unstack_dates function to "extract" seasons or months from a timeseries. (:pull:`68`).
* Better spatial_mean for cases using xESMF and a shapefile with multiple polygons. (:pull:`68`).
* Yet more changes to parse_directory: (:pull:`68`).
- Better parallelization by merging the finding and name-parsing step in the same dask tree.
- Allow cvs for the variable columns.
- Fix parsing the variable names from datasets.
- Sort the variables in the tuples (for a more consistent output)
* In extract_dataset, add option ``ensure_correct_time`` to ensure the time coordinate matches the expected freq. Ex: monthly values given on the 15th day are moved to the 1st, as expected when asking for "MS". (:issue: `53`).
* In regrid_dataset: (:pull:`68`).
* Allow passing skipna to the regridder kwargs.
* Do not fail for any grid mapping problem, includin if a grid_mapping attribute mentions a variable that doesn't exist.
* Default email sent to the local user. (:pull:`68`).
* Special accelerated pathway for parsing catalogs with all dates within the datetime64[ns] range. (:pull:`75`).
* New functions ``reduce_ensemble`` and ``build_reduction_data`` to support kkz and kmeans clustering. (:issue:`4`, :pull:`63`).
* `ensemble_stats` can now loop through multiple statistics, support functions located in `xclim.ensembles._robustness`, and supports weighted realizations. (:pull:`63`).
* New function `ensemble_stats.generate_weights` that estimates weights based on simulation metadata. (:pull:`63`).
* New function `catalog.unstack_id` to reverse-engineer IDs. (:pull:`63`).
* `generate_id` now accepts Datasets. (:pull:`63`).
* Add `rechunk` option to `properties_and_measures` (:pull:`76`).
* Add `create` argument to `ProjectCatalog` (:issue:`11`, :pull:`77`).
* Add percentage deltas to `compute_deltas` (:issue:`82`, :pull:`90`).

Breaking changes
* `statistics / stats_kwargs` have been changed/eliminated in `ensemble_stats`, respectively. (:pull:`63`).

Bug fixes
* Add a missing dependencies to the env (`pyarrow`, for faster string handling in catalogs). (:pull:`68`).
* Allow passing ``compute=False`` to `save_to_zarr`. (:pull:`68`).

Internal changes
* Small bugfixes in `aggregate.py`. (:pull:`55`, :pull:`56`).
* Default method of `xs.extract.resample` now depends on frequency. (:issue:`57`, :pull:`58`).
* Bugfix for `_restrict_by_resolution` with CMIP6 datasets (:pull:`71`).
* More complete check of coverage in ``_subset_file_coverage``. (:issue:`70`, :pull:`72`)
* The code that performs ``common_attrs_only`` in `ensemble_stats` has been moved to `clean_up`. (:pull:`63`).
* Removed the default ``to_level`` in `clean_up`. (:pull:`63`).
* `xscen` now has an official logo. (:pull:`69`).
* Use numpy max and min in `properties_and_measures` (:pull:`76`).
* Cast catalog date_start and date_end to "%4Y-%m-%d %H:00" when writing to disk. (:issue:`83`, :pull:`79`)
* Skip test of coverage on the sum if the list of select files is empty. (:pull:`79`)
* Added missing CMIP variable names in conversions.yml and added the ability to provide a custom file instead (:issue:`86`, :pull:`88`)
* Changed 'allow_conversion' and 'allow_resample' default to False in search_data_catalogs (:issue:`86`, :pull:`88`)


Contributors to this version: Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`) and Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`).

New features and enhancements
* New function ``clean_up`` added. (:issue:`22`, :pull:`25`).
* `parse_directory`: Fixes to `xr_open_kwargs` and support for wildcards (*) in the directories. (:pull:`19`).
* New function ``xscen.ensemble.ensemble_stats`` added. (:issue:`3`, :pull:`28`).
* New functions ``spatial_mean``, ``climatological_mean`` and ``deltas`` added. (:issue:`4`, :pull:`35`).
* Add argument ``intermediate_reg_grids`` to ``xscen.regridding.regrid``. (:issue:`34`, :pull:`39`).
* Add argument ``moving_yearly_window`` to ``xscen.biasadjust.adjust``. (:pull:`39`).
* Many adjustments to ``parse_directory``: better wildcards (:issue:`24`), allow custom columns, fastpaths for ``parse_from_ds``, and more (:pull:`30`).
* Documentation now makes better use of autodoc to generate package index. (:pull:`41`).
* `periods` argument added to `compute_indicators` to support datasets with jumps in time (:pull:`35`).

Breaking changes
* Patterns in ``parse_directory`` start at the end of the paths in ``directories``. (:pull:`30`).
* Argument ``extension`` of ``parse_directory`` has been renamed ``globpattern``. (:pull:`30`).
* The ``xscen`` API and filestructure have been significantly refactored. (:issue:`40`, :pull:`41`). The following functions are available from the top-level:
- ``adjust``, ``train``, ``ensemble_stats``, ``clisops_subset``, ``dispatch_historical_to_future``, ``extract_dataset``, ``resample``, ``restrict_by_resolution``, ``restrict_multimembers``, ``search_data_catalogs``, ``save_to_netcdf``, ``save_to_zarr``, ``rechunk``, ``compute_indicators``, ``regrid_dataset``, and ``create_mask``.
* xscen now requires geopandas and shapely (:pull:`35`).
* Following a change in intake-esm xscen now uses "cat:" to prefix the dataset attributes extracted from the catalog. All catalog-generated attributes should now be valid when saving to netCDF. (:issue:`13`, :pull:`51`).

Internal changes
* `parse_directory`: Fixes to `xr_open_kwargs`. (:pull:`19`).
* Fix for indicators removing the 'time' dimension. (:pull:`23`).
* Security scanning using CodeQL and GitHub Actions is now configured for the repository. (:pull:`21`).
* Bumpversion action now configured to automatically augment the version number on each merged pull request. (:pull:`21`).
* Add ``align_on = 'year'`` argument in bias adjustment converting of calendars. (:pull:`39`).
* GitHub Actions using Ubuntu-22.04 images are now configured for running testing ensemble using `tox-conda`. (:pull:`44`).
* `import xscen` smoke test is now run on all pull requests. (:pull:`44`).
* Fix for `create_mask` removing attributes (:pull:`35`).


Contributors to this version: Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (:user:`RondeauG`), Pascal Bourgault (:user:`aulemahal`), Trevor James Smith (:user:`Zeitsperre`), Juliette Lavoie (:user:`juliettelavoie`).

* This is the first official release for xscen!

New features and enhancements
* Supports workflows with YAML configuration files for better transparency, reproducibility, and long-term backups.
* Intake_esm-based catalog to find and manage climate data.
* Climate dataset extraction, subsetting, and temporal aggregation.
* Calculate missing variables through Intake-esm's DerivedVariableRegistry.
* Regridding with xESMF.
* Bias adjustment with xclim.

Breaking changes
* N/A

Internal changes
* N/A

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