
Latest version: v1.19.1

Safety actively analyzes 715032 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Released: 2025-01-23

**Bug fixes:**

* Fixed safety issues up to 2025-01-23.

* Dev: In the make commands to create/update AUTHORS.md, added a reftag to the
'git shortlog' command to fix the issue that without a terminal (e.g. in GitHub
Actions), the command did not display any authors.

* Dev: Fixed checks and missing removal of temp file in make targets for releasing
and starting a version.

* Fixed that all password-like properties are no longer written in clear text to
the Python loggers "zhmcclient.api" and "zhmcclient.hmc", but are now blanked
out. Previously, that was done only for the "zhmcclient.hmc" logger for creation
and update of HMC users.

* Fixed that incorrect password-like properties were added with blanked-out values
to the API and HMC log.

* Circumvented an issue when installing pywinpty 2.0.14 with latest version of
maturin on Python 3.8, by excluding pywinpty 2.0.14.

* Fixed incorrect HTTP method name in log messages for receiving HTTP status
403 in Session.post() and Session.delete().

* Fixed incorrect check for start branch in 'make start_tag'. (`1689 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1689>`_)

* Test: Python 3.13 was pinned to 3.13.0 to work around a pylint issue on
Python 3.13.1. (`1728 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1728>`_)


* Dev: Enhanced the zhmcclient API logging code so that in the debugger,
zhmcclient API functions now have less logging steps to go through until the
actual API function is reached.

* Added a boolean parameter 'always' to the 'zhmcclient.Session.logon()' method,
which causes the session to always be logged on, regardless of an existing
session ID.

* Increased the timeout for HMC operations that is used in end2end tests, from
300 sec to 1800 sec. Note that this does not change the default timeout for
users of the zhmcclient library, which continues to be 3600 sec.

* Added zhmcclient mock support for MFA Server Definitions with a new
'zhmcclient_mock.FakedMfaServerDefinition' class (and a corresponding manager
class). (`1668 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1668>`_)

* Added support for MFA Server Definitions with a new 'zhmcclient.MfaServerDefinition'
resource class (and corresponding manager class). (`1668 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1668>`_)

* Because the "Create Partition Link" HMC operation does not return the
'object-uri' property of the created partition link, the handling of HTTP POST
operations has been enhanced to add the URI returned in the "Location" header
field as an artificial property 'location-uri' to the result data, if the
"Location" header field is set and the result data does not contain 'object-uri'
or 'element-uri'. (`1678 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1678>`_)

* Added support for Partition Links with a new 'zhmcclient.PartitionLink'
resource class (and corresponding manager class). Added the following
methods for partition links to the 'zhmcclient.Partition' class:
'attach_network_link()', 'detach_network_link()',
'attach_ctc_link()', 'detach_ctc_link()', 'list_attached_partition_links()'. (`1678 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1678>`_)


* Consolidated duplicate authors in AUTHORS.md file.

* Accommodated rollout of Ubuntu 24.04 on GitHub Actions by using ubuntu-22.04
as the OS image for Python 3.8 based test runs.


Not secure

Released: 2024-10-08

**Incompatible changes:**

* Dev: Changed the installation of the zhmcclient package that is done in
'make install' from being editable to being non-editable, since pip will stop
supporting editable installs.

**Bug fixes:**

* Addressed safety issues up to 2024-08-18.

* Fixed installation errors on Python 3.13 by increasing the minimum versions of
install dependencies PyYAML to 6.0.2, pyrsistent to 0.20.0 and wheel to 0.41.3.
This was done for all Python versions, to simplify dependencies.
Increased the minimum versions of some development dependencies for the same

* Fixed new issue 'too-many-positional-arguments' reported by Pylint 3.3.0.

* Fixed dependabot issue 25. This caused the minimum version of the
'jsonschema' package to be increased to 4.18.0.

* Docs: Fixed the description of the 'Cpc.list_associated_storage_groups()'
method; it previously had stated that when the "dpm-storage-management" firmware
feature is not enabled, the method would be returning an empty list. That was
corrected in the documentation to match the actual behavior, which is to
fail. (`1543 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1543>`_)

* Docs: Fixed an RTD build issue that lead to not showing any API documentation. (`1611 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1611>`_)

* Circumvented an issue with pytz by excluding pytz version 2024.2. (`1660 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1660>`_)

* Test: Fixed the issue that coveralls was not found in the test workflow on MacOS
with Python 3.9-3.11, by running it without login shell. Added Python 3.11 on
MacOS to the normal tests. (`1665 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1665>`_)


* Test: Added unit tests for exceptions that did not have one.

* Fixed a missing closing parenthesis in MetricsResourceNotFound.__repr__().

* Test: Improved end2end test for 'Console.list_permitted_adapters()'.

* Added support for encapsulating the interactions with an OS console through
the WebSocket protocol, by adding a new 'zhmcclient.OSConsole' class. This
builds on top of the new support for OS console access through the
WebSocket protocol. (`618 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/618>`_)

* Added support for using the integrated ASCII console of operating systems
running in partitions in DPM mode via the WebSocket protocol, by adding a new
method 'zhmcclient.Partition.create_os_websocket()'.
Added a new documentation section "Using WebSocket to access OS console" that
documents how to interact with the integrated ASCII console from Python code. (`618 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/618>`_)

* Test: Added tests for Python 3.13 (rc.1). (`1505 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1505>`_)

* Test: Added tests for Python 3.13 (final version). (`1506 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1506>`_)

* Docs: Documented HMC/SE version requirements and improved the description of
firmware and API features. (`1543 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1543>`_)


* Docs: Simplified version retrieval in docs build by using setuptools_scm.

* Test: Increased minimum version of pylint to 3.0.1 to address an issue
when importing setuptools_scm in conf.py.

* Dev: Relaxed the conditions when safety issues are tolerated:
Issues in development dependencies are now tolerated in normal and scheduled
test workflow runs (but not in local make runs and release test workflow runs).
Issues in installation dependencies are now tolerated in normal test workflow
runs (but not in local make runs and scheduled/release test workflow runs).

* Dev: Added to the release instructions to roll back fixes for safety issues
into any maintained stable branches.

* Dev: Added to the release instructions to check and fix dependabot issues,
and to roll back any fixes into any maintained stable branches.

* Docs: Clarified descriptions of the 'feature_enabled()' and
'feature_info()' methods of classes 'Partition' and 'Cpc'.


Not secure

Released: 2024-07-11

**Bug fixes:**

* Install: Increased the minimum version of the 'jsonschema' package to 3.1.0
to get a fix for a 'pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound' exception that occurs
in certain cases.

* Test: Fixed str/int issue in end2end tests in skip_missing_api_feature().

* Mock: Fixed the "Modify Storage Group Properties" HMC operation in the
zhmcclient mock support.

* Mock: Consolidated the different assumptions in the zhmcclient mock support and
the end2end testcases regarding whether the implemented behavior depends on the
mocked HMC or CPC generation (e.g. support or not support the 'properties'
query parameter on some List operations). Now, the zhmcclient mock support
always implements only the behavior of the latest HMC / CPC generation.

* Addressed safety issues up to 2024-06-21

* Install: Changed the name of the dependent package 'stomp.py' to use its
canonical name 'stomp-py' since that prevented installation of packages using
zhmcclient under certain circumstances (e.g. with minimum package levels). (`1516 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1516>`_)

* Docs: Fixed incorrect formatting of bullet lists. (`1544 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1544>`_)

* Mock+Test: Added missing defaults for properties 'shared', 'description' and
'fulfillment-state' to the mocked 'Create Storage Group' operation.
Added missing properties and fixed property name typos in the end2end
mock test files mocked_hmc_z14.yaml and mocked_hmc_z16.yaml. (`1548 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1548>`_)

* Docs: Added bibliography entries for HMC API books 2.11 - 2.12 back in,
without links (they are not downloadable anymore). (`1560 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1560>`_)

* Mock: Fixed the handling of the 'additional-properties' query parameter
when not provided, by no longer producing a property with empty name. (`1580 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1580>`_)

* Mock: Updated the set of properties returned by
'LdapServerDefinitionManager.list()' and 'CpcManager.list()' when used in a
mocked environment, to the behavior of HMC version 2.16.0. (`1580 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1580>`_)

* Fixed mock support for create user pattern. (`1581 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1581>`_)

* Mock: Fixed that resource properties returned from zhmcclient mock support
were not independent of the internal resource object's state. For properties
that are lists or dicts, that has lead to the issue that changes to the
internal state of the (mocked) resource object were immediately visible
to a user that had previouly obtained the resource properties. (`1583 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1583>`_)


* Test: Added more exhaustive z14 and z16 mock files to the tests/end2end
directory and used them for the 'make end2end_mocked' tests.

* Test: Improved the checking in the test_storage_volume.py end2end test module.

* Test: Enabled the checking for success again in "make end2end_mocked".

* Mock: Added zhmcclient mock support for "Get Partitions Assigned to Adapter"
operation. (`1247 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1247>`_)

* Mock: Added zhmcclient mock support for the "Get Inventory" operation, and
enabled and improved its unit test. (`1248 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1248>`_)

* Added zhmcclient mock support for 'Console.list_permitted_adapters()'.
This is used by the end2end_mocked testcases of the ibm.ibm_zhmc Ansible
collection. (`1309 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1309>`_)

* Dev: Migrated from setup.py to pyproject.toml with setuptools as build backend.
This provides for automatic determination of the package version without
having to edit a version file. (`1485 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1485>`_)

* In addition to the `zhmcclient.__version__` property which provides the package
version as a string, a new `zhmcclient.__version_tuple__` property provides
it as a tuple of integer values. (`1485 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1485>`_)

* Added support for running the 'ruff' checker via "make ruff" and added that
to the test workflow. (`1526 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1526>`_)

* Added support for running the 'bandit' checker with a new make target
'bandit', and added that to the GitHub Actions test workflow. Adjusted
the code in order to pass the bandit check:

- Changed the use of 'yamlloader.ordereddict.Loader' to 'SafeLoader'.
- Added bandit ignore markers where appropriate. (`1527 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1527>`_)

* Dev: Encapsulated the starting of a new version into a new 'make start' target.
This performs the steps up to creating a PR. (`1532 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1532>`_)

* Dev: Encapsulated the releasing of a version into a new 'make release' target.
This performs the steps up to creating a PR.
The release to PyPI happens when the PR is merged. (`1533 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1533>`_)

* Mock: Added zhmcclient mock support for Storage Group Templates and their
Volumes. (`1541 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1541>`_)

* Mock: Added zhmcclient mock support for Virtual Storage Resources in Storage
Groups. (`1565 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1565>`_)


* Fixed new issues reported by new flake8 7.0.0.

* Dev: Changed the outdated 'py.test' command name to 'pytest'.

* Dropped support for Python below 3.8. Cleaned up the dependencies, Makefile,
source code, and test code.

Increased minimum version of the following Python packages the installation
depends upon:
- pytz to 2019.1 (only on Python 3.8/3.9 - was already there on Python >= 3.10)
- pytest (extra: test) to 6.2.5 (only on Python 3.8/3.9 - was already there
on Python >= 3.10) (`1489 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1489>`_)

* Dev: Dropped the 'make upload' target, because the release to PyPI has
been migrated to using a publish workflow. (`1532 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1532>`_)

* Converted most remaining uses of format() to f-strings. (`1542 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1542>`_)

* Docs: Reduced number of versions shown in generated documentation to only
the latest fix version of each minor version, and the master version.
Updated the release instructions and links in the documentation accordingly. (`1567 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1567>`_)

* Mock: Changed all 'list()' methods when used in a mocked environment, to return
the properties with a value of 'None' instead of omitting it, when the mock
environment did not add the property. (`1580 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1580>`_)


Not secure

Released: 2024-06-12

**Incompatible changes:**

* Incompatible changes in the notification support:

- The 'NotificationReceiver.notifications()' method now continues running when
there are no notifications, and only ever returns when
'NotificationReceiver.close()' is called (in some other thread).
Before this change, the method returned when there were no notifications, so
it had to be invoked by the user in a loop. Such user code should be adjusted
to remove the loop and deal with the return indicating a close of the

- In addition, the 'NotificationReceiver.notifications()' method can now raise
the new exceptions 'zhmcclient.NotificationConnectionError' and

- The 'NotificationReceiver.subscribe/unsubscribe()' methods can now raise the
new exception 'zhmcclient.NotificationSubscriptionError'.

- Note that the 'NotificationReceiver.close()' method can raise
'stomp.exception.StompException'. This could already be raised before this
change, but had not been documented before.

Issue: (`1502 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1502>`_)


* Test: Relaxed the verification of log messages in test_auto_updater.py
to tolerate additional log messages.

* Added a class 'StompRetryTimeoutConfig' for defining retry, timeout and
keepalive/heartbeat parameters for the STOMP connection for HMC
notifications. Added new 'stomp_rt_config' init parameters to the
'NotificationReceiver' and 'AutoUpdater' classes, to specify these config
parameters. Added default values for the configuration in zhmcclient constants. (`1498 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1498>`_)

* Improved the notification support in several ways:

- Replaced the event-based handover of a single item from the notification
listener thread to the caller's thread with a Python Queue, for better
reliability. It turned out that messages could have been lost in some cases
with the previous design.

- The 'NotificationReceiver.notifications()' method now continues running
when there are no notifications, and only ever returns when
'NotificationReceiver.close()' is called (by some other thread).

- Added methods 'connect()' and 'is_connected()' to the 'NotificationReceiver'
class. The init method of 'NotificationReceiver' no longer connects,
but the 'notifications()' method now calls 'connect()', so overall this is
compatible with the prior behavior.

- Added new exceptions 'NotificationConnectionError' and
'NotificationSubscriptionError' that may be raised by some
'NotificationReceiver' methods.

- Documented the stomp-py exceptions that can be raised from
'NotificationReceiver' methods.

- Added proper detection of STOMP connection loss if STOMP heartbeating is
enabled. The connection loss is surfaced by raising
'NotificationConnectionError' in 'NotificationReceiver.notifications()'.
This allows users to retry 'NotificationReceiver.notifications()' upon
connection loss.

- Added a new public constant 'STOMP_MIN_CONNECTION_CHECK_TIME' that defines
the minimum time between checks for STOMP connection loss. The actual check
time is determined by the heartbeat receive time and is bound by this minimum

- Added the missing event methods to the internal '_NotificationListener' class
in case they are ever invoked (needed due to lazy importing of stomp-py).

- Added more log messages around STOMP connect / disconnect.

Issue: (`1502 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1502>`_)

* Added support for getting new z16 environmental metrics about CPC and LPAR
or partitions by adding 'get_sustainability_data()' methods to Cpc, Lpar,
and Partition. (`1511 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1511>`_)


* Removed the pinning of stomp.py to <7.0.0 and increased its minimum version
to 8.1.1 (for Python>=3.7) to pick up fixes, and adjusted to the changed
interface of the stomp event listener methods and the 'stomp.Connection()' call. (`1499 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1499>`_)

* Test: Upgraded Github Actions plugin actions/setup-python to v5 to no longer
use the deprecated node version 16. (`1503 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1503>`_)


Not secure

Released: 2024-06-07

**Incompatible changes:**

* The 'zhmcclient.User' object will no longer be able to store the 'password'
property. The 'password' property is filtered out when creating the User object
in 'UserManager.create()' and when updating the User object in
'User.update_properties()'. (`1490 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1490>`_)

**Bug fixes:**

* Fixed safety issues up to 2024-06-07

* Addressed dependabot issues up to 2024-06-07

* Dev: In the Github Actions test workflow for Python 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7, changed
macos-latest back to macos-12 because macos-latest got upgraded from macOS 12
to macOS 14 which no longer supports these Python versions.

* Dev: Workaround for cert issue with pip in Python 3.5 in Github Actions.

* Dev: Addressed new issues raised by Pylint 3.1.

* Dev: Fixed new issue 'possibly-used-before-assignment' in Pylint 3.2.0.

* Docs: Fixed broken links to HMC books since IBM changed the links. As part
of that, removed Bibliography entries for the HMC API book versions 2.11/2.12,
and for all versions of the HMC Operations Guide (which changed to become the
HMC Help System PDFs). (`1459 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1459>`_)

* Docs: Fixed formatting of badges on README page by converting it to
Markdown. (`1473 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1473>`_)

* Test: Upgraded Github actions plugin actions/github-script to v7 to no longer
use the deprecated Node.js 16. (`1483 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1483>`_)


* Test: Added the option 'ignore-unpinned-requirements: False' to both
safety policy files because for safety 3.0, the default is to ignore
unpinned requirements (in requirements.txt).

Increased safety minimum version to 3.0 because the new option is not
tolerated by safety 2.x. Safety now runs only on Python >=3.7 because
that is what safety 3.0 requires.

* Changed safety run for install dependencies to use the exact minimum versions
of the dependent packages, by moving them into a separate
minimum-constraints-install.txt file that is included by the existing
minimum-constraints.txt file.

* The safety run for all dependencies now must succeed when the test workflow
is run for a release (i.e. branch name 'release\_...').

* Added support for "Console Delete Retrieved Internal Code" HMC operation
via a new 'zhmcclient.Console.delete_uninstalled_firmware()' method. (`1431 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1431>`_)

* Added new method Nic.backing_port() to return the backing adapter port
of the NIC. (`1451 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1451>`_)

* Dev: Migrated from a manually maintained change log file to using change
fragment files with the 'towncrier' package. This simplifies the procedures
for starting and releasing a version, and avoids merge conflicts when there
are multiple Pull Requests at the same time. For details, read the new
'Making a change' section in the documentation. (`1485 <https://github.com/zhmcclient/python-zhmcclient/issues/1485>`_)


Not secure

This version contains all fixes up to version 1.13.4.

Released: 2024-02-17

**Incompatible changes:**

* The incompatibility caused by the recent change to support regular expression
matching for the resource name in the 'find()' method, which was released in
zhmcclient versions 1.12.3 and 1.13.0, turned out to be too heavy. The change
is now undone to go back to string comparison for the name matching in
'find()'. The 'findall()' method which was also changed in these releases
keeps the regular expression matching for consistency with 'list()'.
(issue 1395)

**Bug fixes:**

* Docs: Increased minimum Sphinx versions to 7.1.0 on Python 3.8 and to 7.2.0 on
Python >=3.9 and adjusted dependent package versions in order to fix a version
incompatibility between sphinxcontrib-applehelp and Sphinx.
Disabled Sphinx runs on Python <=3.7 in order to no longer having to deal
with older Sphinx versions. (issue 1396)

* Changed the recently released support for regular expression matching for the
resource name in 'find()' back to matching by string comparison. The
'findall()' method keeps the regular expression matching for consistency
with 'list()'. (issue 1395)

* Fixed that the resource name in the filter arguments of 'findall()' and
'list()' was not matched case insensitvely with regular expressions for the
resource types that have case insensitive names (user, user pattern, password
rule, LDAP server definition). (related to issue 1395)

* Fixed that 'Console.list_permitted_lpars()' ignored the
'additional_properties' parameter. (issue 1410)

* Test: Fixed that unit tests did not properly check missing properties in
the returned resources. (related to issue 1410)

* Fixed that 'list()' methods returned only a minimal set of properties
for each resource when the resource was found in the name-to-URI cache,
and in that case missed some properties that are documented for the
corresponding HMC list operation. This was fixed by removing the optimization
of using the name-to-URI cache in 'list()' methods. (related to issue 1410)

* In the zhmcclient mock support, fixed the processing of the
'additional-properties' query parameters for the mock support of the following
zhmcclient list methods: 'Console.list_permitted_lpars()',
'Cpc.adapters.list()', 'Cpc.partitions.list()', 'Cpc.virtual_switches.list()',
'Cpc.image_activation_profiles.list()'. (related to issue 1410)

* Development: Fixed dependency issue with safety 3.0.0 by pinning it.

* Performance: In zhmcclient version 1.13.0, an optimization was added where
list() and find_local() were now utilizing the name-to-URI cache when only the
resource name was specified as a filter argument. This caused the 'se-version'
property to no longer be in the local zhmcclient.Cpc objects that were used
as the parent objects of the Lpar/Partition objects returned by
Console.list_permitted_lpars/partitions() and caused a performance
degradation in the zhmc_lpar_list and zhmc_partition_list Ansible modules due
to repeated "Get CPC Properties" operations for retrieving the 'se-version'
property. This was fixed in the Console.list_permitted_lpars/partitions()

* Fixed the call to pipdeptree in the test workflow to use 'python -m'
because otherwise it does not show the correct packages of the virtual env.

* Fixed the 'Cpc.delete_retrieved_internal_code()' method which passed its
'ec_level' parameter incorrectly to the HMC operation. Added unit tests.
(issue 1432)


* Test: Added Python 3.8 with latest package levels to normal tests because
that is now the minimum version to run Sphinx. (related to issue 1396)

* Added support for a new make target 'authors' that generates an AUTHORS.md
file from the git commit history. Added the invocation of 'make authors' to
the description of how to release a version in the development
documentation. (issue 1393)

* In Console.list_permitted_lpars/partitions(), added CPC-related properties
to the returned resource objects, that are returned by the HMC: 'cpc-name',
'cpc-object-uri', 'se-version'. (issue 1421)

* In Console.list_permitted_lpars(), the additional_properties parameter
is now supported also for HMC versions older than 2.16 GA 1.5. In that
case, the zhmcclient handles adding the properties. (related to issue 1421)

* The pull_full_properties() and pull_properties() methods of zhmcclient
resource objects no longer replace existing properties but now update them,
so that additionally present properties (e.g. the CPC-related properties
returned from Console.list_permitted_lpars/partitions()) are preserved.
(related to issue 1421)


* Increased versions of GitHub Actions plugins to increase node.js runtime
to version 20.

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