This version contains all fixes up to version 1.5.1.
Released: 2023-03-27
**Incompatible changes:**
- cpc command dpm-import: the schema used for validating the adapter mapping file
(issue 362) didn't match the content in the corresponding documentation.
Both, documentation and schema were modified following the naming used
in the "Import DPM configuration" WSAPI endpoint specification.
- cpc command dpm-export: the default behavior when exporting the DPM
configuration has been changed to only include those adapters that are
referenced by other elements of the exported configuration data.
A new flag --include-unused-adapters was added to dpm-export to
allow for running an export that includes all adapters of the CPC. (369)
**Bug fixes:**
* Added tox and virtualenv to dependencies.
* Fixed TypeError exception in Click package when using 'cpc dpm-export' or
'cpc dpm-import' commands. (issue 370)
* Increased minimum version of zhmcclient to 1.7.0 to pick up required fixes.
* Added missing environments to weekly full tests (Python 2.7,3.5,3.6 on Windows
and MacOS).
* Added some critical environments to normal PR tests (Python 3.6/min, 3.10/min).
* Changed to using the 'build' package for building the distribution archives
instead of 'setup.py' commands, following the recommendation of the Python
packaging community
(see https://blog.ganssle.io/articles/2021/10/setup-py-deprecated.html).
* Addressed issues reported by safety by increasing package versions. (349)
* Changed JSON output for dpm-export to be sorted and properly indented (363)
* Added support for Python 3.11.
* Increased minimum versions of pip, setuptools, wheel to more recent versions.