
Latest version: v1.17.1

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This version contains all fixes up to version 0.31.1.

Released: 2021-07-02

**Bug fixes:**

* Docs: Fixed and added missing authorization requirements for the Partition
and Lpar methods.

* Examples: Fixed errors in and improved metrics examples.

* Fixed issues raised by new Pylint version 2.9.1.


* Added support for 'Console.list_permitted_partitions()' and
'Console.list_permitted_lpars()'. These methods require HMC 2.14.0 or later.
(issue 793)

* The Console object returned by 'client.consoles.console' is now a locally
built object in order to avoid needless property retrieval.



This version contains all fixes up to version 0.30.2.

Released: 2021-06-10

**Incompatible changes:**

* Method 'NotificationReceiver.notifications()' now raises JMS errors returned
by the HMC as a new exception 'NotificationJMSError'. JSON parse errors
are now raised as a new exception 'NotificationParseError'. Both new
exceptions are based on a new base exception 'NotificationError'. (issue 770)

* By default, the zhmcclient now verifies the HMC certificate using the
CA certificates in the Python 'certifi' package. This can be controlled with
a new 'verify_cert' init parameter to the 'zhmcclient.Session' class. (issue 779)

* The 'properties' attribute of the resource classes (e.g. 'Partition') now
is an immutable 'DictView' object in order to enforce the stated rule that
that callers must not modify the properties dictionary. If your code used to
make such modifications nevertheless, it will now get a 'TypeError' or
'AttributeError' exception, dependent on the nature of the modification.

**Bug fixes:**

* Fixed a missing argument in 'NotificationListener.on_message()' by pinning
stomp.py such that 6.1.0 and 6.1.1 are excluded. (issue 763)

* Fixed a package dependency issue when setting up the development environment
with the "pywinpty" package on Python 2.7 and Windows. (issue 772)

* JMS errors returned by the HMC are now handled by raising a new exception
'NotificationJMSError' in the 'NotificationReceiver.notifications()' method.
Previously, an exception was raised in the thread running the notification
receiver, rendering it unusable after that had happened. (issue 770)

* Fixed a TypeError for concatenating str and bytes. (issue 782)


* Added a 'verify_cert' init parameter to the 'zhmcclient.Session' class to
enable verification of the server certificate presented by the HMC during
SSL/TLS handshake. By default, the certificate is validated against
the CA certificates provided in the Python 'certifi' package. (issue 779)

* Added catching of OSError/IOError exceptions raised by the 'requests' package
for certain certificate validation failures, re-raising such exceptions as a

* Docs: Added a section "Security" to the documentation that describes security
related aspects in the communication between the zhmcclient and the HMC.
(related to issue 779)

* Docs: Added a section "Troubleshooting" to appendix of the documentation that
currently lists two cases of communication related issues.
(related to issue 779)

* The 'properties' attribute of the resource classes (e.g. 'Partition') now
is an immutable 'DictView' object provided by the 'immutable-views' package,
in order to enforce the stated rule that that callers must not modify the
properties dictionary of resource objects.



Released: 2021-04-06

**Bug fixes:**

* Docs: Properties of classes are now shown in the Attributes summary table
of the class. (issue 726)

* Docs: Fixed the incorrect default value documented for the `force` parameter
of `Lpar.scsi_load()`. The correct default is `False`. (part of issue 748).

* Fixed StatusTimeout when activating an LPAR that goes straight to status
"operating", by adding "operating" as a valid target value for the
operational status. (issue 755)


* Added an optional parameter `secure_boot` to `Lpar.scsi_load()` (issue 748).

* Added an optional parameter `force` to `Lpar.scsi_dump()` (issue 748).



Released: 2021-03-23

**Bug fixes:**

* Mitigated the coveralls HTTP status 422 by pinning coveralls-python to

* Docs: Removed outdated reference to KVM for IBM z Systems Admin book that
was used as a second example in the Introduction section.

* Docs: Added the missing Methods and Attributes tables to the description of
resources related to the storage management feature (e,g. StorageGroup).
(issue 708)


* Added a new `Partition.start_dump_program()` method that performs the HMC
operation 'Start Dump Program'. That operation is supported on CPCs in DPM
mode that have the DPM storage management feature (i.e. z14 and later) and
complements the 'Dump Partition' HMC operation that is supported only on
CPCs in DPM mode that do not have the DPM storage management feature
(i.e. z13 and earlier). Mock support for the 'Start Dump Program' operation
was also added. (issue 705).

* Improved zhmcclient HMC logging in error cases by not truncating the HTTP
response content for HTTP status 400 and higher. (issue 717) Also the
truncation limit was increased to 30000 to accommodate most HMC responses.

* Improved display of `zhmcclient.HTTPError` exceptions by adding the 'stack'
field if present. (issue 716)

* Suppressed exceptions that were caught and a new exception was raised
in the except clause, by setting `__cause__ = None` on the new exception.
This avoids lengthy and unnecessary tracebacks that contain the message
'Another exception occurred when handling ...'. (issue 715)

* Improved the handling of resource not found errors during metrics processing
by adding a new `zhmcclient.MetricsResourceNotFound` exception that may now
be raised when accessing the `MetricObjectValues.resource` property.
(zhmc-prometheus-exporter issue 113)

* Blanked out value of 'x-api-session' field (Session ID) when logging error
responses. (zhmccli issue 136)

* Added support for Capacity Groups in DPM mode, by adding resource classes
`zhmcclient.CapacityGroup` and `zhmcclient.CapacityGroupManager` and a
property `zhmcclient.Cpc.capacity_groups` for accessing them.
(issue 734)


* Docs: Moved change log up one level to avoid Sphinx warning about duplicate



Released: 2020-12-20

**Incompatible changes:**

* Removed the installed scripts `cpcdata` and `cpcinfo` and added them as
`cpcdata.py` and `cpcinfo.py` to the examples folder.

**Bug fixes:**

* Test: Increased time tolerance for time-based tests.

* Docs: Added z15 to supported environments (issue 684).

* Fixed an AttributeError in `UserPatternManager.reorder()`
(related to issue 661).

* Test: Fixed an AttributeError in test utilities class `HMCDefinition`
(related to issue 661).

* Test: Fixed incorrect assignment in adapter test
(related to issue 661).


* Migrated from Travis and Appveyor to GitHub Actions. This required several
changes in package dependencies for development.

* Added support for operations for managing temporary processor capacity:
`Cpc.add_temporary_capacity()` and `Cpc.remove_temporary_capacity()`.

* Added support for status timeout in `Partition.stop()` that waits for partition
stop to reach desired status.

* Test: Resolved remaining Pylint issues and enforcing no issues from now on
(issue 661).



Released: 2020-09-10

This version contains all fixes up to 0.26.2.

**Bug fixes:**

* Fixed Travis setup by removing circumventions for old issues that caused
problems meanwhile.

* Adjusted versions of dependent packages for development environment to
fix issues on Python 3.4.

* Fixed AttributeError when calling partition.list_attached_storage_groups().
(See issue 629)

* Docs: Fixed description to start a new version that was missing updating the
version to the new development version.
(See issue 639)

* Docs: Fixed description of installation from a repo branch.
(See issue 638)

* Test: Fixed missing ffi.h file on CygWin when testing (See issue 655)

* Docs: Fixed links to HMC WS API books that have become invalid.
(See issue 665)

* Fixed empty port list returned by PortManager.list() for CNA adapters.

* Install: Fixed the broken installation from the source distribution archive
on Pypi (see issue 651)

* Test: Pinned 'pyrsistent' package (used by jupyter notebook) to <0.16.0 on
Python 2.7 and to <0.15.0 on Python 3.4.

* Test: Fixed issue where virtualenv on pypy3 created env one level higher.
(see issue 673)


* Added an easy way to print debug information for inclusion into issues, via
`python -m zhmcclient.debuginfo`.
(See issue 640)

* Added `discover_fcp()` and `get_connection_report()` methods to the
`StorageGroup` resource. Added an example `discover_storage_group.py` that
uses the two new methods.
(See issue 623)

* Test: Running coveralls for all Python versions in order to cover Python
version-specific code. The coveralls.io web site consolidates these runs
properly into a single result.

* Docs: Added links to HMC WS APi and Operations books for z15.
(Related to issue 665)

* Added the z15 machine types 8561 and 8562 for detecting the maximum number
of partitions, and started exploiting the new 'maximum-partitions' property
of the CPC for this purpose.


* Docs: Removed link to "KVM for IBM z Systems - System Administration" book,
because the product is no longer supported. (Related to issue 665)

* Changed the theme of the documentation on RTD from classic to sphinx_rtd_theme
(See issue 668)

* Test: Added 'make installtest' to the Makefile to test installation of the
package into an empty virtualenv using all supported installation methods.
Added these install tests to the Travis CI tests. (related to issue 651)

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