⚠️ Beta release!
[📑 Community on 0.24.0b0](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/custom-component-asusrouter-integration/416111/661?u=vaskivskyi) | [☕️ Support the development](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vaskivskyi) | [📖 Documentation](https://asusrouter.vaskivskyi.com/) | [⭐️ Star AsusRouter](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/ha-asusrouter) | [⭐️ AsusRouter Library](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/asusrouter)
💥 Breaking
- Implemented changes in `wan` binary sensor. Refer to the `Features` section for details
🚀 Features
- Added support for VPN Fusion (VPN clients, stock FW `388+`)
- Added support for WireGuard (clients + server) (stock and Merlin FW `388+`) (report 594)
- Added support for OpenVPN (clients + servers) (stock FW `388+`) (report 470)
- Added support for secondary WAN and changed WAN sensors (report 603)
- Binary sensor `wan` (`wan_secondary`)
- Sensors `wan_ip` and `wan_ip_extra` (`wan_ip_secondary` and `wan_ip_secondary_extra`)
- Added `internet` binary sensor to show the general state of the device internet connection (and IP address as an attribute of the sensor)
- Added `dualwan` binary sensor
- Added `wan_aggregation` binary sensor
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with blocked possibility to reload integration
- Fixed diagnostics module
📦 Dependencies
- Bumped `asusrouter` library to [`1.1.0b0`](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/asusrouter/releases/tag/1.1.0b0)