[📑 Release note 1.1.0](https://asusrouter.vaskivskyi.com/log/library.html#_1-1-0-🌍-vpns-wans-and-tests) | [☕️ Support the development](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vaskivskyi) | [📖 Documentation](https://asusrouter.vaskivskyi.com/) | [⭐️ Star AsusRouter](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/asusrouter) | [⭐️ Home Assistant Integration](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/ha-asusrouter)
🚀 Features
- Added support for VPN Fusion (stock `388+`)
- Added support for OpenVPN (stock `388+`)
- Added support for WireGuard (stock and merlin `388+`)
- Improved HA converters (+ new `convert_to_ha_data` for proper flattening data)
- Added start-up calculated values as `None` (CPU)
- Added data drop for cases of the same data on multiple endpoints
- Added `dump` tools for logging and dumping replies of the device
- Small improvements over the code
- Improved logging on connection failure
- Added Dual WAN support
- Added WAN Aggregation support
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fixed error in historic data calculation
- Other minor fixes in data processing
- Blocked request attempts on closed session
- Fixed missing values for OpenVPN client
- Fixed unsafe dict pop
- Fixed missing arguments on state setting
🚨 Testing
- Added unit tests for tools: cleaners, converters, readers, writers
- Added unit tests for some endpoint modules
- Added full device test for RT-AX88U / Merlin / 388
🔨 Other changes
- Minor improvements to logging and code stability
🐣 GitHub
- Added testing workflow for all incomming PRs and pushes to the dev / main branch