[📑 Community on 0.23.0](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/custom-component-asusrouter-integration/416111/636?u=vaskivskyi) | [☕ Support the development](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vaskivskyi) | [📖 Documentation](https://asusrouter.vaskivskyi.com/) | [⭐ Star AsusRouter](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/ha-asusrouter) | [⭐ AsusRouter Library](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/asusrouter)
This release brings a fully-rebuild core of the library, making it faster and simpler.
🔒 Requirements
- Minimum HA version set to 2023.10.0
💥 Breaking
- Python `3.11+` is now required
- `Temp:` Removed HA services
- For pairs of `binary_sensor`/`switch` entities, removed `binary_sensor`
- Removed option `device_control` in the configuration flow
- With HA unit conversion supports, the native value for speed and traffic sensors changed, which creates a breaking change for HA history
- Removed `bytes` / `bits` attributes of traffic / speed sensors
🚀 Features
- Added support for HA `EntityCategory`
- Added support for HA unit conversion (traffic and speed sensors)
- Added error codes 9, 10 and 11 reported by device (`another`, `captcha`, `reset required`)
- Added proper timeout when login blocked
- Added USB WAN data recovery when interface is off
- Added debug logging for SSDP discovery and fired events
- Implemented `0` values for the network speed sensors on integration load. This will prevent `unknown` values on startup or reboot, when the actual speed cannot yet be calculated
- Improved FW processing for different generations
- Improved clients monitoring
- Improved `latest_connected` sensor
- Removed orphaned attributes for disconnected clients
🐛 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with wrong FW update status (report [605](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/ha-asusrouter/issues/605), [#620](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/ha-asusrouter/issues/620))
- Improved JSON parsing
- Added UnicodeDecodeError ignore on reading content (report [564](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/ha-asusrouter/issues/564), [#611](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/ha-asusrouter/issues/611))
📖 Translations
- Updated Spanish translation Nyaran
- Updated Portuguese translation edwardtfn
- Fixed Ukrainian translation olegkrawchuk
- Added Russian translation Kvasenok
- Added Hungarian translation zsigus
- Added German translation felixhaeberle
📦 Dependencies
- Bumped `asusrouter` library to [`1.0.0`](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/asusrouter/releases/tag/1.0.0)
- Bumped `homeassistant` to `2023.10.0`
📚 Documentation
- Confirmed support for device / firmware:
- `DSL-AC68U` / `386.50117`
- `RT-AC66U B1` / `386.51255`
- `RT-AC86U` / `386.49709`
- `RT-AC88U` / `386.48260`, `386.5_0`
- `RT-AX58U` / `388.22237`
- `RT-AX86U Pro` / `388.23565`
- `RT-AX88U` / `388.24198`, `388.2_0`, `388.4_0`
- `RT-AXE7800` / `388_22068`
- `TUF-AX5400` / `388.22525`
- `TUF-AX6000` / `388.32432`
- `TUF-AX3000 V2` / `388.23785`
- `ZenWiFi AX (XT8)` / `388.23285`
- `ZenWiFi XT9` / `388_23285`