[📑 Release note 1.2.0](https://asusrouter.vaskivskyi.com/log/library.html#_1-2-0-💻-force-clients-update-services-more) | [☕️ Support the development](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vaskivskyi) | [📖 Documentation](https://asusrouter.vaskivskyi.com/) | [⭐️ Star AsusRouter](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/asusrouter) | [⭐️ Home Assistant Integration](https://github.com/Vaskivskyi/ha-asusrouter)
🚀 Features
- Added `AsusSystem.UPDATE_CLIENTS` state and compatible service
- Added `force_clients` possibility on each `AsusData.CLIENTS` queue
- Added runtime-available `set_force_clients()` method for setting both state and wait time of the feature
- Added new `.tools.converters`: `safe_timestamp_to_utc`, `safe_utc_to_timestamp`, `safe_utc_to_timestamp_milli`
- Added `AsusData.SPEEDTEST` and `AsusData.SPEEDTEST_RESULT`
🚨 Testing
- Added tests for `asusrouter.modules.service`
🔨 Other changes
- Improved exceptions messages
🐣 GitHub
- Updated CI workflow to be more modular and allow parallel unit- and device-testing
- Added testing with `Python 3.12`