* api-change:``docdb``: Update docdb command to latest version
* api-change:``mq``: Update mq command to latest version * api-change:``rds``: Update rds command to latest version * api-change:``waf``: Update waf command to latest version
* api-change:``amplify``: Update amplify command to latest version * api-change:``ecs``: Update ecs command to latest version
* api-change:``codepipeline``: Update codepipeline command to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: Update ssm command to latest version
* api-change:``sagemaker``: Update sagemaker command to latest version * api-change:``dms``: Update dms command to latest version * api-change:``globalaccelerator``: Update globalaccelerator command to latest version
* api-change:``comprehendmedical``: Update comprehendmedical command to latest version * api-change:``transcribe``: Update transcribe command to latest version * api-change:``datasync``: Update datasync command to latest version