* api-change:``cloudhsm``: Update cloudhsm command to latest version
* api-change:``route53``: Update route53 command to latest version * api-change:``organizations``: Update organizations command to latest version * api-change:``mturk``: Update mturk command to latest version * api-change:``codebuild``: Update codebuild command to latest version * api-change:``appstream``: Update appstream command to latest version
* api-change:``pinpoint``: Update pinpoint command to latest version * bugfix:Config: Properly handle spaces in profile names when being written out via the configure command, fixes `2806 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/2806>`__
* api-change:``cloudformation``: Update cloudformation command to latest version
* api-change:``rds``: Update rds command to latest version * api-change:``config``: Update config command to latest version * api-change:``ecs``: Update ecs command to latest version
* api-change:``budgets``: Update budgets command to latest version * api-change:``logs``: Update logs command to latest version * api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 command to latest version