* bugfix:``aws sts``: Allow calling ``assume-role-with-saml`` without credentials. * bugfix:``aws sts``: Allow users to make regionalized STS calls by specifying the STS endpoint with ``--endpoint-url`` and the region with ``--region``. (`botocore issue 464 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/464>`__)
* bugfix:``aws sts``: Fix regression where if a region was not activated for STS it would raise an error if call was made to that region.
* feature:``aws cloudfront``: Update to latest API * feature:``aws sts``: Add support for STS regionalized calls * feature:``aws ssm``: Add support for Amazon Simple Systems Management Service (SSM)
* bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix auth errors when uploading large files to the ``eu-central-1`` and ``cn-north-1`` regions (`botocore issue 462 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/462>`__)
* bugfix:``aws ec2 revoke-security-group-ingress``: Fix parsing of a ``--port`` value of ICMP echo request (`issue 1075 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/1075>`__) * feature:``aws iam``: Add support for managed policies * feature:``aws elasticache``: Add support for tagging * feature:``aws route53domains``: Add support for tagging of domains
* feature:``aws dynamodb``: Add support for index scan * bugfix:``aws s3``: Fix issue where literal value for ``--website-redirect`` was not being used. (`issue 1137 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/pull/1137>`__) * bugfix:``aws sqs purge-queue``: Fix issue with the processing of the ``--queue-url`` parameter (`issue 1126 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/1126>`__) * feature:``aws s3``: Add support for config variable for changing S3 runtime values (`issue 1122 <https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/pull/1122>`__) * bugfix:Proxies: Fix issue with SSL certificate validation when using proxies and python 2.7.9 (`botocore issue 451 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/pull/451>`__)