* api-change:``servicecatalog``: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
* api-change:``greengrass``: Update greengrass command to latest version * api-change:``config``: Update config command to latest version * api-change:``secretsmanager``: Update secretsmanager command to latest version * api-change:``mediastore-data``: Update mediastore-data command to latest version
* api-change:``chime``: Update chime command to latest version * bugfix:Credentials: Fix issue where incorrect region was being used when using assume role credentials outside of the `aws` partition. * api-change:``rds``: Update rds command to latest version * api-change:``dms``: Update dms command to latest version
* api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version * api-change:``ssm``: Update ssm command to latest version * api-change:``sagemaker``: Update sagemaker command to latest version
* api-change:``ec2``: Update ec2 command to latest version
* api-change:``codestar``: Update codestar command to latest version * api-change:``alexaforbusiness``: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version