This should be, barring nonsense, the final release candidate before stable BCML 3. Changes:
- Update `botw-utils` dependency for Switch RSTB fix
- *Lots* of improved error messages
- General noob-proofing
- Disable debug mode
- Fix bug where priority order could invert
- Fix blank data directory when upgrading from 2.8
- Fix update on Linux
- Fix permitting duplicate save flags
- Fixes for disabled mods
- Fixes for exporting w/o Cemu
- Option to install in all user languages
- More progress messages, including BCML tips
- Additions to help, link to video tutorial
- Better UX for importing 2.8 mods
- Added option to restore 2.8 backups
- Change BNP version handling, include versions in mod dependencies
- General fixes and optimizations