
Latest version: v3.10.8

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What's Changed
* Add cefpython3 to Windows installs by Torphedo in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/247
* Remove `.sblwp` from `NO_CONVERT_EXTS` by Nitr4m12 in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/257
* Improve building from source info in README.md. by nitz in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/228
* Add `--portable` flag by nitz in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/229
* Bump ajv from 6.10.2 to 6.12.6 in /bcml/assets by dependabot in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/262
* Drop merger fixes by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/266
* add info.json to the install screen by HGStone in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/254
* Add camera animation files to `NO_CONVERT_EXTS` by Nitr4m12 in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/267
* Fix typo in Progress.jsx by M1CR0H4CK3R in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/271
* Fixed BYML compressing when converting BNP by Waikuteru in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/274

New Contributors
* nitz made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/228
* HGStone made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/254
* M1CR0H4CK3R made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/271
* Waikuteru made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/274

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/compare/v3.8.0...v3.8.1


A new release that mostly just does this still from the PRs

What's Changed
* Fix a typo by Makonede in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/245
* dev.py: Remove MainField/Static.smubin after converting it to a log by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/249
* install.py: Clarify error message by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/250
* Profile.jsx: disable Save button when profile name is empty by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/253
* Direct instructions in CEF/WebView error by ArchLeaders in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/255
* drop.py: cast ints to int in case they're unsigned by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/256
* Bump nanoid from 3.1.23 to 3.2.0 in /bcml/assets by dependabot in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/260

New Contributors
* Makonede made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/245
* ArchLeaders made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/255

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/compare/v3.7.2...v3.8.0

I regret to announce that — though, as I said, 1075 commits is far too short a time to spend among you — this is the END. I am going. I am leaving NOW. GOOD-BYE!


- Fixes actorinfo platform conversion
- Fixes AS list differ
- Minor doc edits

> Breathless was the air over Bethlehem; black and bare
The fields; hard as granite were the clods;
Hedges stiff with ice; the sedge, in the vice
Of the ponds, like little iron rods.
The deathly stillness spread from Bethlehem; it was shed
Wider each moment on the land;
Through rampart and wall into camp and into hall
Stole the hush. All tongues were at a stand.
Travellers at their beer in taverns turned to hear
The landlord—that oracle was dumb;
At the Procurator’s feast a jocular freedman ceased
His story, and gaped; all were glum.
Then the silence flowed forth to the islands and the north
And it smoothed the unquiet river-bars,
And leveled out the waves from their revelling, and paved
The sea with the cold, reflected stars.
Where the Cæsar sat and signed at ease on Palatine,
Without anger, the signatures of death,
There stole into his room and on his soul a gloom,
Till he paused in his work and held his breath.
Then to Carthage and the Gauls, to Parthia and the Falls
Of Nile, to Mount Amara it crept;
The romp and rage of beasts in swamp and forest ceased,
The jungle grew still as if it slept.
So it ran about the girth of the planet. From the Earth
The signal, the warning, went out,
Away beyond the air; her neighbours were aware
Of change, they were troubled with doubt.
> Salamanders in the Sun who brandish as they run
Tails like the Americas in size,
Were stunned by it and dazed; wondering, they gazed
Up at Earth, misgiving in their eyes.
In Houses and Signs the Ousiarchs divine
Grew pale and questioned what it meant;
Great Galactic lords stood back to back with swords
Half-drawn, awaiting the event,
And a whisper among them passed, “Is this perhaps the last
Of our story and the glories of our crown?—
The entropy worked out?—the central redoubt
Abandoned?—The world-spring running down?”
Then they could speak no more. Weakness overbore
Even them; they were as flies in a web,
In lethargy stone-dumb. The death had almost come,
And the tide lay motionless at ebb.


- Restore the sane and sensible folder browser (Windows)
- Fix for areadata merging
- Fix permission error ( Linux, 212) - tam1m
- Fix for conversion of mods with options - Nitr4m12
- Removed .bphyssb from excluded platform converter extensions - Nitr4m12

> The worst moment for an atheist is when he feels a profound sense of gratitude and has no one to thank.
> — G. K. Chesterton

> Gratitude exclaims, very properly, "How good of God to give me this."
> — C. S. Lewis

> Most merciful Father, we humbly thank you for all your gifts so freely bestowed upon us: for life and health and safety, for strength to work and leisure to rest, for all that is beautiful in creation and in human life; but above all we thank you for our spiritual mercies in Christ Jesus our Lord; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. Stay grateful.

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