
Latest version: v3.10.8

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What's Changed
* updated titleid for tooltip popup.. by HGStone in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/478
* Remove Havok converter by ArchLeaders in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/479
* Bump json5 in /bcml/assets by dependabot in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/480
* Yet Another Language Fix by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/482
* Version Bump and Roead update by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/484

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/compare/v3.10.1...v3.10.2

>― Byleth, Fire Emblem: Three Houses


What's Changed
* ASList merger update by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/474
* Version bump by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/475

Special Thanks
* HGStone and Cod3xDev for bringing the ASList issue to my attention
* leoetlino for explaining that pybind destructs owned data if the original reference is destructed, even if another reference exists

Release named so because Girly Animation Pack and Linkle 3.0 were the primary mods driving the bug fixes

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/compare/v3.10.0...v3.10.1

> In retrospect, I would have to recommend against epiphanies. They are difficult on an emotional level, and they also sometimes move you to foolish and inopportune acts, which was what happened in my case.
> ― Peter David, Sir Apropos of Nothing


What's Changed
* Fix race condition during profile switch by jacobjmarks in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/460
* Fix and enhance oneclick installing & custom scheme handler by Mai-Lapyst in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/459
* Settings.jsx: Merged export folder warning by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/471
* Always export to graphicPack directory if using Cemu by GingerAvalanche in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/472
* Improve profile management by jacobjmarks in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/467
* Update Patreon links by jacobjmarks in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/473
* Fix build issue on latest rustup version by JupiterSky11 in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/432

New Contributors
* jacobjmarks made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/460
* jpenguin made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/450
* Mai-Lapyst made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/459
* JupiterSky11 made their first contribution in https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/pull/432

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/NiceneNerd/BCML/compare/v3.9.27...v3.10.0

> A turkey is more occult and awful than all the angels and archangels in so far as God has partly revealed to us an angelic world, he has partly told us what an angel means. But God has never told us what a turkey means. And if you go and stare at a live turkey for an hour or two, you will find by the end of it that the enigma has rather increased than diminished.
> ― G. K. Chesterton


- Skip `rules.txt` on export where unnecessary
- Smooth out export process for reliability
- Fix Switch SBLARC crash
- Fix settings refresh
- Possible performance bump

> The most certain mark of goodness is the general conviction of all humanity…The general and perpetual voice of mankind is as the judgment of God Himself, since what all men at all times have come to believe must have been taught to them by Nature, and since God is nature’s author, her voice is merely His instrument.
> ― Richard Hooker


- Always merge largest instSize values
- Update roead to (hopefully) fix bad BYML files

> The real opposition, then, is not between faith and reason, but between a skeptical reason that is reductive, and a magnanimous, studious reason that engages in faith.
> ― Thomas Joseph White


- Add debugging info for mysterious Rust settings problem
- Update Rust dependencies
- Some performance improvements
- Add support for gigantic AAMP diffs
- Fix multiprocessing for 64+ threads/cores (close 314)

> Even if a single man had all the beauty, riches, honors, knowledge, virtues, and perfections possessed by all men, he would still seek and thirst for something more. Even in this life, then, our nature demands a more divine perfection.
> ― Richard Hooker

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