What's Changed
* Update unmap by AroneyS in https://github.com/AroneyS/ibis/pull/18
* renamed `update`
* primarily for generating unmapped reads, running Aviary commands and/or downloading SRA reads
* Check for interleaved SRA by AroneyS in https://github.com/AroneyS/ibis/pull/19
* Account for interleaved and single-end reads from SRA (deinterleave and raise error, respectively)
* Add aligned fraction unmapping by AroneyS in https://github.com/AroneyS/ibis/pull/20
* Switch to using `--min-read-percent-identity-pair` and `--min-read-aligned-percent-pair` for CoverM unmapping
* Default to 99% for both arguments
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/AroneyS/ibis/compare/v0.7.2...v0.8.0