* Updated STASH code to standard_name table (with thanks to Jeff Cole) * Fixed bug when comparing masked arrays for equality
* Fixed bug when accessing PP file whose format/endian/word-size has been specified
* Can specify 'pp' or 'PP' in um option to `cf.read`
* Changed weights in calculation of variance to reliability weights (from frequency weights). This not only scientifically better, but faster, too.
* Rounded datetime to time-since conversions to the nearest microsecond, to reflect the accuracy of netCDF4.netcdftime * Removed import tests from setup.py * New option --um to ``cfa``, ``cfdump`` * New parameter um to `cf.read`
* Rounded datetime to time-since conversions to the nearest microsecond, to reflect the accuracy of netCDF4.netcdftime * Fix for netCDF4.__version__ > 1.2.4 do to with datetime.calendar *handle with care*