* Construct access API changes
* Performance enhancements
* New write mode ``mode='a'`` for appending to, rather than over-writing,
a netCDF file on disk (https://github.com/NCAS-CMS/cf-python/issues/30)
* Temporarily removed the experimental ability to parallelise the
collapse operation with MPI
* Improved docstrings
* Fix for unlimited dimensions read from a netCDF4 sub-group having
zero size (https://github.com/NCAS-CMS/cfdm/issues/113)
* Fixes for changes in behaviour in cftime==1.4.0
* Better error message in the case of a `numpy.ma.core.MaskError` occurring
upon reading of CDL files with only header or coordinate information
* Changed dependency: ``<=cfdm<``
* Changed dependency: ``cftime>=1.5.0``
* Changed dependency: ``cfunits>=3.3.3``
* Changed dependency: ``netCDF4>=1.5.4``