* Implemented the reading and writing of netCDF4 group hierarchies for
CF-1.8 (https://github.com/NCAS-CMS/cf-python/issues/33)
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_variable_groups`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_set_variable_groups`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_clear_variable_groups`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_group_attributes`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_set_group_attribute`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_set_group_attributes`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_clear_group_attributes`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_geometry_variable_groups`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_set_geometry_variable_groups`
* New method: `cf.Field.nc_clear_geometry_variable_groups`
* New method: `cf.DomainAxis.nc_dimension_groups`
* New method: `cf.DomainAxis.nc_set_dimension_groups`
* New method: `cf.DomainAxis.nc_clear_dimension_groups`
* New keyword parameter to `cf.write`: ``group``
* Keyword parameter ``verbose`` to multiple methods now accepts named
strings, not just the equivalent integer levels, to set verbosity.
* New function: `cf.configuration`
* Renamed to lower-case (but otherwise identical) names all functions which
get and/or set global constants: `cf.atol`, `cf.rtol`, `cf.log_level`,
`cf.chunksize`, `cf.collapse_parallel_mode`, `cf.free_memory`,
`cf.free_memory_factor`, `cf.fm_threshold`, `cf.of_fraction`,
`cf.regrid_logging`, `cf.set_performance`, `cf.tempdir`, `cf.total_memory`,
`cf.relaxed_identities`. The upper-case names remain functional as aliases.
* Changed dependency: ``cftime>=1.2.1``
* Changed dependency: ``<=cfdm<``
* Changed dependency: ``cfunits>=3.2.9``